September 9th Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day.

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Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder,

is preventable by giving alcohol a miss,

there is no safe amount to drink when pregnant,

also if you are likely to conceive , remember this.

The damage it can cause to a child is serious,

so why take the risks just for a drink,

if you go out for a meal and there's wine,

before you pick up that glass just think.

Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders are a group of conditions that can occur in a child whose mother drank alcohol whilst pregnant, the more alcohol consumed the bigger the risk. Exposure to alcohol  can affect the babies brain and spinal cord, damage cells important for growth, the most dangerous time is the first three months of pregnancy. A baby exposed to alcohol is more prone to physical, learning and behaviour problems. For some children the symptoms may be quite mild but for others may be more severe.

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