September 5th International Day of Charity.

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On International Day of Charity,

it is vital to remember their importance,

poverty persists in all countries in the world,

they all need our assistance.

So today is about making people aware,

by fund raising or holding a charitable event,

because if all the world unites together,

then perhaps some poverty we can prevent.

In recognition of all the work charities do, the General Assembly of the United Nations in its resolution A/RES/67/105 designated September 5th as International Day of Charity. This date was chosen because it is also the anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa, who died on September 5th 1997, she devoted her entire life to doing charity work worldwide. At the time of her death she had over 4,000 sisters and an associated brotherhood of 300 members operating 610 missions in 123 countries. On September 4th 2016 Mother Teresa was declared a saint in a canonization Mass held by Pope Francis in the Vatican. 

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