Chapter 26 never grow up

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"I think she's gotten bigger," Meredith said in awe as they went to the bassinet that held her. They removed the ventilator exactly a week ago and she had gained seven ounces which put her at five pounds even.

"Mer, you saw her yesterday," Derek shook his head.

"How's my sweet girl doing," Meredith said sweetly as she lifted the baby from the bassinet and held her. She was lighter than Alison which wasn't such a big difference since they were both so small.

"Nice to see you Meredith, and you too Derek," Addison said as she was entered the room. She took the baby from Meredith and placed her on the scale. It showed her weight and Addison wrote it down along with all her stats.

"Well, looks like we have someone who is ready to go home," Addison said as she handed the baby back to Meredith. They filled out paperwork and got everything ready. Derek carried the car seat and bags to the car while Meredith wasn't allowed to carry anything due to her c-section. They went home and Derek again carried the things inside, they stopped in front of the door and they heard two female voices inside. Derek smiled when he recognized the other voice besides Susan and he had Meredith open the door quickly. Inside, Derek's mom was there with Ali in her arms as she and Susan were talking.

"Mom," Derek smiled as he sat the car seat down and hugged his mother carefully.

"Hi Son, Meredith. How are you feeling honey?" Carolyn said, hugging Meredith.

"I'm alright, glad to finally have both my girls home," Meredith smiled as she finally took Evie out of the car seat, she was sleeping soundly and didn't even budge when Meredith picked her up.

"They are adorable Meredith, they look like you," Carolyn awed at both the girls.

"Thanks, I kind of think they look more like Derek," Meredith smiled as she fixed Evie in her arms.

"They look like both of you, now let me see that beautiful little one," Susan said with a smile as she took Evie from Meredith.

"So how long are you staying in town ma?" Derek asked as he moved the car seat into the corner next to Alison's.

"Ready to get rid of me already?" Carolyn raised her brow.

"Of course not, I just wanted to know," he shrugged.

"My ticket is for two weeks," she said as she moved Alison into a different position. Her bright blue eyes were wide open as she just looked at Carolyn.

"Alright, and you're staying here, right?" Derek asked almost in a plea.

"Of course, I can't stay a moment away from these two precious girls," Carolyn said as she smiled down at Ali.

"Well we are happy to have you here Carolyn," Meredith smiled as she just watched both Carolyn and Susan with her daughter's.

"I'm going to go pump really quick," Meredith said as she left to go upstairs. Derek went into the kitchen leaving Carolyn and Susan with the babies.

"I can't believe she's so little," Susan said in awe to Carolyn.

"They are both tiny little angles," Carolyn replied with a smile.

"So what are you being called by them when they get old enough?" Susan asked as she sat down carefully with Evie.

"My other grandkids call me nana so I was just going to let them call me nana, you?" Carolyn asked as she sat on the opposite side of Susan.

"I don't know. My other granddaughter Molly isn't even six months yet so I think I'll let her call me whatever she wants and the girls can just learn from her," Susan shrugged.

"Yes, my oldest grandson Damien started nana and it just stuck," Carolyn smiled.

"They look a lot like Meredith did in the pictures Thatch has," Susan spoke as she held Evie in her lap, letting her stretch her little arms.

"They do favor her a lot, they have Derek's lips though, and his eye shape but the rest is Meredith. I can see it," Carolyn said as she held Alison out like Evie as they compared the two. There wasn't any difference between them really except their sizes.

"How were my girls?" Meredith asked with a smile as she came from downstairs.

"They are good, cute as buttons," Carolyn smiled.

"I'm glad you're here Carolyn," Meredith replied.

"I wouldn't miss being here for anything," Carolyn replied.

"Where did Derek go?" she asked, now noticing he wasn't in the room.

"He went into the kitchen, not sure what for," Susan replied.

"Oh alright," Meredith nodded as she sat down on the large chair.

"Well, I am about to have to leave these sweet faces, Molly is coming to visit from Portland with little Laura and she should be here in a few hours," Susan said sadly. She kissed the top of Evie's head before giving her to Meredith. She said goodbye before she left.

"I'm back, sorry. I was trying to handle some stuff since I'm not going back until next month," Derek said returning, smiling.

"It's fine," Carolyn said with a smile.

"How's the sister's?" Derek asked as he came and sat down next to his mother.

"Good, good. They are really excited to meet their new nieces," Carolyn smiled as she repeated it in a baby voice for Alison. Meredith glared at Derek, motioning for him to tell her.

"Ma, I'm not sure when we will have time to make it out there," Derek said, hoping to not upset his mother.

"Well Christmas is in a few months, I expect to see you both there since you missed last Christmas," she rose her eyebrows at them.

"Uh that's the thing, we are both using some of our vacation time to be out with the girls so we might not get off for Christmas," he mumbled. He knew how important Christmas is to his mother and his whole family, it was the only time they all ever got to see each other.

"Well I suggest you figure something out because Christmas is the most important holiday to this family and these two sweeties have to be present to have their new ornaments placed on the tree," Carolyn said sweetly but she meant it. Every time a new Shepherd was born, they got an ornament with their name added to the family Christmas tree.

"We'll try," Derek said, earning a death glare from Meredith. He mouthed I'm sorry to her and she shook her head and looked down at Everleigh. He just sighed and shook his head. Nothing much he could fight with now. He would love to spend Christmas with his family back in New York but he would also love to have the chance of spending Christmas here, again. He was torn, either making his mother happy or Meredith happy.

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