Half Vampire? Part 2.

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Part 2 of 2. Enjoy!

Zane's P.O.V.

-A Couple Hour's Later-

Vylad woke up and still his eye's were green and red. He sighed. Let me guess I fainted? Vylad only fainted when he couldn't take something right away.

Vylad sorry about saying it so bluntly, I just wanted you to know. I say since Garroth was glaring at me.

It's fine Zane, I understand. He says and scratches the back of his head. Now tell me why I'm not dead or even a full vampire. He says and stands up.

Well.... Garroth starts.

Garroth's P.O.V.

Well you aren't dead because of whoever bit you which is most likely our dad took your blood. You aren't a full vampire because you didn't take his blood. So that is why you are in between a vampire and human.

So I would have to drink his blood to become a full vampire? Vylad asks and Zane nods. Yeah it's that simple Vylad.

I smile looking at how Zane has changed since he changed Aaron and Travis and now has a girlfriend. Which surprisingly was Kawaii-Chan. He also smiles a little more even though he has a mask.

So will this change how I am or no? Vylad asks taking me out of my thoughts. No it most likely won't but you should watch out about your emotions Vylad. I say and he sighs.

I don't really show emotion so what's the problem with that? He states and looks to us questionably. Well you showing emotion is rare so you need to make sure you keep them in check especially if you get mad or upset. Zane explains.

I'm shocked you are to say that Zane since you don't show much emotion yourself. I say laughing and Vylad laughs as well.

Hey! Shut up! He says glaring at us both. Fine we will and our laughter dies down. It's been so long since us three were this close to each other. Vylad says. True that we started to be our own selves as we got older. I say and they nod in a agreement.

So are you fine with being a vampire Vylad? I ask. He nods. Well technically I'm also human so I'm fine with it. He smiles.

Also you may get weird looks from people because of your eye's Vylad. I say and he looks to me wondering what I'm talking about.

I take him to the bathroom and he sees that his eye's are red and one is green. Um ok then? He says looking at his reflection in disbelief.

Oh so that's why I may get weird looks. He says and laughs. So what now?

Now we should go and try to find mom. We need to find out what happened to mom.

Love Me For Being A Vampire? Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt