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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up and notice I'm in Aaron's arm's. He looks so peaceful asleep. I guess we both fell asleep watching Frozen. I giggle and kiss Aaron lightly and smile.

He smiles and opens one eye. "Morning Aph." He says sleepily.

"Morning!" I say and kiss him. He pulls away quickly and I frown. Lately he been doing that. I feel like something is wrong hecause is he paler and has less of an appetite.

Him and Travis have been like this for a while now. Katelyn been telling me, Travis been acting really strange lately as well. I swear we are going to figure Aaron and Travis out soon.

Travis's P.O.V.

Katelyn knows something is wrong with me. She been bothering me about why I been acting different.

What am I supposed to say? Oh Katelyn I been acting strange because I was bitten by Zane and now I'm a vampire. Haha! No! I would get myself killed or lose the love of my life.

"TRAVIS!" I fall off the bed and rub my head. I look to Katelyn which by the way looks upset. "Travis what the heck is wrong? You seem so.... So different and distant with me." She says looking down.

"Katelyn I'm fine, I promise." I say smiling but she knows it's fake.

Today is going to be a long day....

Zane's P.O.V.

"Kawaii-Chan stop it! I'm fine. Nothing is wrong." Kawaii-Chan been bugging me about why I seem like I'm hiding something.

"B-but Z-zane-Senpai y-you s-seem so d-dis-distant l-lately...." She says with tears in her eye's.

Kawaii-Chan I'm fine I "promise. Nothing is wrong and I'm as normal as I always been." I say.

But of course nothing seems to want to go right for me in this universe. Kawaii-Chan was doing the dishes and she cut her finger trying to clean a knife.

I try to move away but my vampire side takes over and I slowly walk over to Kawaii-Chan.

Kawaii-Chan's P.O.V.

Zane-Senpai walks up to me very slowly and I'm scared. He laughs and grabs me. "This will only hurt.... Badly" He says and everything goes black.

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