Kidnapped By A Vampire

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Just to let you know I will skip a couple months so the story can go on. You don't miss much. Kawaii-Chan and Zane become closer as well as Katelyn and Travis. Aphmau and Aaron though seem to distant themselves from each other.

-A Couple Month's Later-

Aaron's P.O.V.

It's been a couple days and Aphmau hasn't really been around. Katelyn and Kawaii-Chan said that they haven't seen Aphmau at all and it worries me.

-A Couple Day's Ago-

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I was out late and was now walking to Aaron's house. But as I was rounding a corner I had a hand over my mouth and eye's.

Now don't move or we won't hesitate to hurt you. I heard a voice say which sounded deep and scary. He moved his hand from my mouth and I took it as my chance to scream. So I screamed as loud as I could.

I felt like I was in a whole different place in seconds and I felt someone remove the blind fold from my eye's. The first thing I saw was red eye's and fangs. I screamed and had tears running from my eye's.

I tried to run but I had the man hold me and bite me into my neck. I felt the energy drain from my body. Just as I was losing consciousness he put this liquid into my mouth. That was the last thing I remembered.

-Present Day-

Still Aphmau's P.O.V.

I woke up and looked around I saw to people looking at me and smirking. You finally have awoken. One said and the other grabbed me. I'm Garroth and this is Laurance. The one holding me said.

I get out of his grip and stand. Well thank you for letting me stay but I must go. I say but Garroth steps in front of me. No can do. You are here to stay, you are like us now. You are even like your bf now. Garroth chuckles darkly as he says that and I look at him confused.

What do you mean like my bf? How am I like Aaron? I say. Garroth just grabs a knife and cuts his finger and I feel this unnatural thirst take over.

You are a vampire, Aphmau. Garroth says as the thirst takes over and I relax as I take his blood.

Hehe. Now you will see more action unfold. Thank for all the views. I didn't think anyone would like this fanfic but you have all proven me wrong. So comment and vote and stay supernatural my friend's.

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