Meeting The Hunter

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This chapter is more about Vylad and why he is a hunter.

Vylad's P.O.V.

I hate going against my brother's but it's who we are. The hunter and the vampires. Father taught us when we were young that vampires were bad but then Garroth became a vampire everything changed.

Father made Garroth leave and he did but I could tell that it wasn't the last time we would see Garroth. Zane then was turned and slowly most of the people we knew were vampires.

Then when father had to retire from vampire hunting I had to take over. Mother never liked father being a hunter and really disliked me being a hunter. But I still did it.

So when I saw Garroth and Zane today it through me off how much tgey had changed. They weren't close and it looked like Garroth had more control than Zane. Since when Zane pinned me to the wall he looked ready to bite me because of the blood and his eye's well eye was red.

I don't want to hurt them but will I have too if father finds out. I look up to my house after that thought. I walk in but sense something a miss. I hold my daggers and proceed walking through my house.

By the time I get to the basement I sense something bad and get pinned to the wall but I stab the person. They back off and I can now see their red eye's. Great a vampire....

Zane's P.O.V.

I was walking around until I felt something was off and ran to a house it seemed a bit to quiet. I ran to thoughout it quickly then went to the basement.

I saw a vampire and my brother.... I ran to my brother's side and he looked shocked but quickly hid it. I looked to the vampire and I would never think it would be this person....

Me, Vylad, and Garroth's dad....

This chapter was hard to make but it was good in the end. Thank you everyone for everything. So see you in the next chapter my lovely readers!

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