"Guess n-"

"Hello Y/N." A deep voice said from behind me.

I shrieked from fright but relaxed when I saw it was Cas. "Cas! Jeez, you gave me a heart attack."

"Your heart is perfectly fine Y/N." He answered innocently.

"I didn't mean it literally, I just...whatever, we need your help."

"What with?" The Angel tilted his head adorably.

I opened my mouth to tell him but Dean came running back into the room with his little legs. He had a beer bottle in his small hands as he scurried up to his brother. Now that Dean was a toddler, he made Sam look taller than usual. It was quite funny.

"Sammy, can open?" Dean lifted the beer bottle up to Sam on his tip toes.

Of course Sam being the responsible one, or just the fact that toddlers shouldn't drink alcohol, Sam responded with; "No Dean. No beer for you." He took the bottle from his brothers hands.

Then Dean burst out into tears. Cas looked frightened while Sam looked down at his crying brother with a 'what-the-fuck-do-I-do?' expression.

"That child is Dean?" Cas asked.

"Unfortunately." Sam rolled his eyes.

"Seriously guy!" I huffed. "It's still Dean. You just have to do this."

I went over to Dean and picked him up. He was still crying. "Hey D, how about we go get you some yummy pie huh? Sound good?" I bounced him slightly.

Immediately, he stopped crying. A grin replaced his frown. "Hellz yeah!" He cheered.

I giggled and kissed his forehead. "See guys, it's still Dean. Just give him pie and a lot of kisses and he's happy." I blew raspberries into his neck, making him laugh.

"I'm gonna take Dean to get pie. You guys find out a cure or something." I said to the moose and Angel.

"There isn't a cure Y/N. The spell will wear off eventually, maybe overnight." Cas informed.

"Oh, well awesome! Problem solved." I shrug.

"Pie!" Dean yelled impatiently.

"Excuse me?" I gave him a hard glare.

"...Pie please?" He corrected himself.

"That's better." I smiled.


Dean shovelled his pie with his hands into his mouth, getting it all all over his face. I sighed but giggled at the mess he was making. He was so cute.

"Another pie!" He shouted as he finished the last bite throwing his hands up in he air.

"No Dean, you'll get a poorly tummy if you eat too much. Besides, with the mess you made you're gonna need a bath." I chuckled.

"I don't wanna bath Y/N." He pouted stubbornly.

"Well tough shit, you're getting one."

"You said a bad word."

"Oh please it's not like you don't do it all the time." I roll my eyes.


"Dean Winchester get back here!" I yelled.

Dean giggled as he ran out of the bathroom butt ass naked. He'd managed to slip away as you were checking the water temperature.

He ran through the bunkers main room where Sam was sat at the table. When he saw his toddler brother run naked through the room he contemplated what the hell he was doing with his life.

"Sam, where's Dean?" I asked panting as I ran into the room.

Sam pointed to the direction Dean went. I thanked him and took after his brother again. I'm so gonna kill him when he changes back!


After giving Dean a long and exhausting (for me) bath, I changed him into some pyjamas and put him into bed. Well tried, he kept refusing to actually go to sleep. Childish.

"Dean please honey, get into bed." I begged him.

"No, sleep is for the weak." He answered.

"1..." I started counting. Dean had a smirk on his face like he didn't care.


Dean's smirk fell and he started to look unsure. Before I could even say three he was in bed under the covers.

"Good boy. Now sleep." I kissed his cheek before going to walk out the room.

"Y/N?" His small voice stopped me.

I turned back to Dean. He had an sad expression. "Yeah sweetie?" I asked softly.

"Will you...stay with me? The monsters might get me while you're gone and take me away from you. And I-I don't want that to happen because I love you." He mumbled shyly.

I smiled, getting into bed with him. Dean grinned happily and snugged up to my side, resting his head on my chest. "I love you too Dean. And because I do, I will protect you till my last breath, even if you are the most annoying toddler in the world." I kissed his head.

"Night night Y/N." He yawned.

"Goodnight D." I whispered.


Something moving next to me awoke me from my slumber. I looked down to see a blonde haired hair resting on my chest. I smiled as I noticed it was Dean. Dean who had now changed back into his adult size. I'd missed him.

His arms tightened around my stomach, pulling me closer to him. I let out a breathless chuckle, waking him. "So how's it feel to be tall again?" I giggle.

"Fan-frickin-tastic. I hated being small."

"Eh, you were cute so." I smirked.

"Were?" He faked hurt.

"Yup, you were cute but now you're handsome." I kissed his forehead.

"Damn straight." He chuckled.

"I kinda liked looking after you. Even though you were annoying as shit."

"You said a bad word." He laughed remembering toddler him.

"Whatever. Do you-do you ever think about-Y'know...having kids one day?" I asked innocently.

"Sure babe. With you I do. I know Sammy seems more like the family kinda guy but that doesn't mean to say I don't want one too. And now that I have you, I want that." He confessed.

"Oh Dean, I want that too." I breathed happily.

"So..." He smirked. "How about we get on that baby making then?"

"When you put it so romantically." I scoffed playfully.

"Only for you sugar. Now come here." He growled, pulling me onto him....

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