1- Caribbean Girl

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My name is Ashley Andrews, a twenty-five-year-old assistant of a secretary at a well-established business conglomerate. I am thick and mixed with a big butt and broad hips. I do look more white than black because my father is white. My brothers look like my mother, they have a darker skin tone. I was cute enough in my eyes but was a bit self-conscious about my body. In my entire life, I've only had two boyfriends and was not really looking for a relationship because of my past relationships. My hair is really long, thick and flowy, which causes most persons to assume that it is fake.

I jerked awake. I heard a loud annoying sound that had me confused at first then, I noticed that the sound was coming from my phone. Note to self: change my alarm. I took my phone off the nightstand that was beside my bed and dismissed the alarm. The bright light that was shining from the phone screen caused me to squint my eyes as I checked the time.
I was late.

I was never late.

The alarm had been going for forty-five minutes. I guess all those back to back meetings were finally taking a toll on me.

I rolled off my bed and embraced the soft, feather-like rug under my painted toes. I padded across my room to my bathroom and quickly freshened up, taking an extra five minutes to loosen up the kinks in my hair. After getting dressed in my professional attire, stuffing all my necessities into my handbag, and sliding on my pumps, I left my apartment.

I called a taxi cab and headed to work. I was the assistant to the secretary of Jamez Gauz, an old Italian man that was famous for his numerous restaurants and ex-wives. He paid well. It was enough for me to help my parents to send my younger twin brothers to high school. After my dad got laid off from his job of 30 years, things back home were tight financially. That was before I got the job of course.

The job was challenging. I mean I was basically doing Mr. Gauz, his secretary and my work, daily. I never complained though; even when the job became overwhelming and I had to leave work at midnight because of the workload. All those nights I slaved over piles and piles of paperwork never made me want to leave. Of course, I got mad sometimes. I wished that Mr. Gauz and his secretary, Ms. Cannon, would do their jobs instead of engaging in sexual acts with each other in-room thirty of his new hotel. What upsets me the most about their affair is that he, the owner of the hotel, would not take her to the most expensive floor.

I wanted to tell his current wife or leak his dirty laundry to the media, but, as I said before- the pay was good. His wife, in my opinion, must have known that he was a cheater. Eight marriages, seven divorces, eight signed prenups, numerous affairs, Mr. Gauz was on fire.

"You ok?", my co-worker and one of my best friends Dwayne questioned as I entered through the huge doors of my workplace. Dwayne was the receptionist, at the front desk.

"Yes, why?" I asked looking down at my clothes to see if it was fine.

He snorted and stared at me. "Really?"

I rolled my eyes as I walked up to the mail bin that was sitting on his table.
"You're late Ash, your never late."

"I overslept, no big deal. Did I miss anything?"

"Ask the gossip queen, Biannca. I just got to work myself, Monica's head game last night knocked me out. I woke up so confused this morning." He placed his elbow on the table and laid his head in the palm of his hands.

I smiled brightly, dimples showing, teeth glistening, "When's the wedding?"

"Not ever. Mom would kill me if I brought home a girl like Monica."

"What's wrong with Monica?"

"She's a stripper, and mom wants me to marry pastor Coles daughter." He shivers slightly. "Not my type."

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