Chapter 37

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Bianca's POV:

"'Still like that old time rock and roll! That kinda music just soothes the soul! I reminisce about the days of old, With that old time rock and roll!'"

I moved my hips to the beat and shouted out the words, singing along with Robert and watching as everyone at the party started to dance and sing along. This was actually happening! Karaoke at the Infinity War wrap party? I definitely did not see that coming. The bridge in the song came and I watched as Robert grabbed Susan's hand and spun her around, the two of them dancing like high school sweethearts to the beat. "I can't believe this!" I shouted over the noise turning to Chris and still dancing on the spot, "Can't believe what?" Chris shouted back, pulling me into his arms and twirling me around. "That we're doing karaoke?". I nodded, unable to wipe the smile from my face. I was having so much fun! "I did tell you that these parties were a little bit insane!" Chris shouted with a grin, lifting my hand and spinning me around as Robert continued to sing.

The last chorus began and everyone in the courtyard sang along as loud as they could, Scarlett, Sebastian and Anthony now joining in and dancing with us. Everyone erupted into applause when the song came to an end and Robert bowed valiantly to his audience, pausing to pull Susan in for a kiss. I couldn't stop my grin - Robert and Susan looked like they had the perfect marriage; the love and adoration that they had for each other was so clearly evident in both of them. I sighed and tilted my head, that was the kind of relationship that I hoped to be in one day. Looking back over my shoulder at Chris who was laughing hysterically with Chris Pratt, my heart fluttered. I couldn't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, I'd find that kind of love with Chris. "Alright guys!" Robert yelled out and we all turned back to face him, drinks in hand, "Whose next?".


Chris' POV:

"Oh I love this song!" Bianca squealed, looking up at me with an adorable, excited smile on her face, "My dad used to sing it all the time!". I couldn't help but grin as I watched her wiggle her hips to the beat of the music, the opening strains of 'Mustang Sally' playing through the speakers. As soon as Robert had asked who was next, Jeremy had drained the last of his whiskey and marched over to the microphone. Though many people didn't know it, Jeremy was actually a really, really good singer.

"Mustang Sally!" Jeremy crooned into the microphone, looking around as everyone hooted at the choice of song. "Guess you better slow, your mustang down!". I watched Bianca's mouth drop as Jeremy sang, turning to me with wide eyes as she danced on the spot. "He's incredible!" she shouted in awe, singing along and moving her hips to the music, "I had no idea he could even sing!". "You've been riding all over townnn, Ooh I guess you gotta put your flat feet on the ground!", Jeremy crooned, leaning back and belting the lyrics into the microphone. Fueled by alcohol, everyone began to join in with him, drunken, happy smiles on every body's faces. Jeremy started to walk around the room as the second verse began, his eyes scanning the area as if he was looking for someone in particular.

"All you wanna do is ride around Sally" he sang, stopping in front of Susan and passing her the microphone so that she could sing the female lyrics. "Ride, Sally, Ride!", Susan sang, making everyone in the courtyard cheer out loud. Jeremy sang the next line and moved along to the next woman he could find, repeating the process with Elizabeth, and then again with Scarlett. Finally he approached Bianca, singing his line and pointing at her, letting her know that she was next. "All you wanna do is ride around Sally". All eyes were on Bianca as he passed the microphone to her and for a split second I was worried that this would all be too much for her, and that she'd crumble under the spotlight.

Of course, my worries were instantly pushed aside when Bianca opened her mouth to sing, surprising every single person in the room when she sang without hesitation, her voice strong and confident without a trace of nervousness, "Ride, Sally, Ride!". Everyone cheered and Jeremy looked at her in surprise, my own eyes wide with awe as I watched her. Jeremy moved back into the center of the courtyard and continued to sing, Bianca turning to me with an almost sheepish grin on her face. "You never told me you could sing" I said wrapping her in my arms and kissing her chastely, her hips still moving along with the music. She shrugged adorably, "You never asked". She leaned forward to kiss me again before turning back to watch Jeremy, Scarlet nudging me with her hip and smiling approvingly.

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