Chapter 21

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The morning came way to fast and hit  him way too hard. Jack was unsettled the whole night and whimpered from time to time.

At something after 7 o'clock Hotch slowly got up, trying not to hurt Jack even more. After being brought into the hospital he wasn't drinking anything at all, due to the pain.

Luckily for him, Jack was asleep now and he hoped he would be for another five minutes so he could make a quick run in the bath to freshen up.

Emily probably was still in the ICU but they told him that she should make a full and quick recovery. Hopefully, around the same length like Jack's recovery would take.

Dr.Miller was due to come in every minute now. Checking up on the open cast Jack had.

Bad news, he didn't even have to take away the cast to see that the swelling hadn't gone down like they would need it for surgery. That's why they postponed surgery and stabilized Jack's arm so that he couldn't move it at all. So the splitter would hopefully stay where it is and won't hurt any nerves or anything else if everything ends well.

Hotch so badly wanted to check up on Emily and visit her in her ICU room, but he couldn't now because he had to take care of Jack. Whilst Dr. Miller was looking at his arm Jack woke up and started crying soon after because it hurt so much. Hotch didn't know why but it didn't last long. He hoped that Jack didn't think that crying wasn't okay. It was okay, more than okay. It doesn't show weakness. It just shows how much you have overcome and that you can overcome this too!

That was a lesson Hotch started to learn late. Almost too late, but he wanted Jack to know that it was okay to cry at a younger age than he did.

His Dad always told him that crying was a sign of weakness. Which it wasn't of course. Hotch would have to talk with Jack about it on another occasion.

They brought in the breakfast for Jack but the pain was that much that he refused to eat anything. Which worried Hotch even more. But he never could put Emily at fault for this. He knew how much she loves Jack.

Change of place

She was lulled into a white nothing. Everything was white and shiny. It didn't matter if she would go forward or backward it was just plain nothing.

The longer she stayed there the more she fought to go back. Wherever back was.

Slowly but surely the white faded and in the end, everything was back. Not the outcome she had hoped for.

But wait, she did feel something now and she tried to open her eyes.

Squinting as the bright lights hit her sense. The ceiling didn't look like her apartment at all. Neither like Hotch's. Where the hell was she?

Looking right and looking left she surely recognized the trust white walls. She was in the hospital again. This year it was about the fourth time she needed hospital treatment.

The first time they were in Texas and after chasing the unsub she sprained her ankle after she tackled him.

The second time they were in LA. After cornering the predator Emily wanted to put her handcuffs on him he lashed, put out his knife from his pocket and turned around stabbing her right beneath the safeness of her kevlar west.  She fell to the ground bleeding heavily. But she was lucky, the doctors couldn't find any damages to liver or any other organ.

The third time was after being shot in a DC Mall. There was a shooting reported and the BAU team together with DCPD had to investigate. It wasn't the first time she was shot with her vest on, but this one knocked the breath out of her. She tried to gasp but nothing would come trough to her lungs.

She now was more or less fully awake. Still a bit groggy but she now understood where she was and the memories of the past few days flooded back.

The school, the kiss, and Jack.


She frantically pushed the nurse button till someone entered the ICU room.

"Ah, Ms. Prentiss. Glad to see you awake. I'll be right back, I quickly will inform your doctor."

"NO! Wait." Emily almost shouted, which was impossible after being intubated.

"Yes?" The nurse questioned.

"Jack, Jack Hotchner. Do you know what with him is?" she asked, afraid of the news. She knew he wouldn't die of it. At least she hoped he would. If not she would never be able to look at Hotch again.

"What's your relationship?" The nurse had no Idea who this Jack Hotchner was. She just came back from her vacation. So she proceeded like the protocol said.

"I'm his stepmother." she friendly said.

The nurse left and came back five minutes later.

"He's on the pediatric floor. He is signed up for surgery." The nurse told her and Emily was concerned. She could have prevented everything!

"I want to see him, be with him." she told the nurse.

"I have to decide that." A new person, probably her doctor, said.

After discussing with Dr. Welsh he gave up and decided that she was well enough to leave ICU.

Hours later:

Emily was still pretty tired, hence why she now lied passed out on her bed. Since the nurses transferred her down to Jacks room both hers and his health had improved.

Jack's surgery was rescheduled to the following morning. A Saturday, which meant the team would come visiting both Emily and Jack.

He had called them yesterday and even if they had their suspicions they didn't say anything.

Hotch just was glad to see that both felt a little bit better than before.

Everyone was asleep, even Jack. Only Hotch was awake looking for houses on Emily's laptop and when he made some really short breaks he looked at his son and girlfriend.

A/N: Yup I did it. 1014 words in two days!

I'll probably skip a few days!

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