Chapter One|When The Day Met The Night

Start from the beginning

Dan stands up bringing his notepad, and Phil's file with him. He adjusts his glasses, and his vest before walking out of his office towards room 10-19. There wasn't actually that many rooms, but every room started with '10' because they were in building ten of Cynthia Halls Medical Care Facility. Building ten was the mental ward.

When Dan got to Phil's room he froze. He really hopes nothing happens. Well, here goes nothing.

Dan opens the door, and Phil perks up immediately. There is a table, and chair in the middle of the room that have been moved so Dan could sit. Dan smiles.

"Hello, Phillip. I'm-"

"Daniel James Howell." Phil interrupts with a smile. "I know who you are."

Dan nods, "I thought so, but because we're going to be talking to each other everyday until your recovery, or I get assigned someone else, I'd like for you to call me, Dan."

Phil smiles, "Can I call you babe?"

Dan's eyes widen. Was he serious? "You could, but I'd rather you call me Dan. 'Babe' is rather unprofessional, don't you think?"

Phil's smile never seems to leave his face. "You're missing the point, I don't care. I'll call you whatever I want. You can call me Phil." he says.

Dan nods, "Okay...Phil," Dan tries it out, "I like it."

"Good, because you just might be moaning it someday. Now sit down." Phil says smirking.

Dan gives Phil a shocked look. His last doctor wasn't kidding when she said he was flirtatious. "Um...what?" Dan says confused.

"Sit down." Phil orders.

Dan isn't fazed by the sudden change of tone. He rolls his eyes, but he sits down, and smiles at Phil. "Happy?"

Phil laughs. It's a bit insane, but Dan still likes how it sounds. "I'm never happy, babe." he answers.

Dan nods, "I know. Says here that you're a depressed, bipolar, insomniac with a high temper, and nightmare disorder. Yet, you smile more than other patient here at Cynthia."

"Labels, labels. Boring facts. They never do mention things like my amazing bed skills, and humor. I don't understand why not, it's important you get to know your newest, and most attractive, patient." Phil says smiling.

Dan rolls his eyes, "It's seems they left out narcissistic personality disorder." He says, smiling playfully.

Phil laughs, "I like you babe, you're funny, and cute."

Dan blushes, "Phil, I'm your doctor. I'm here to help you not please you."

Phil smiles, "You are helping. I think that your pretty face has healing powers."

Dan sighs, "I am afraid that that theory is the crazy talking."

"The crazy is always talking," Phil says, "Just sometimes he doesn't sound like who he is."

Dan smiles at those words. "That's very interesting, Phil." He's insanely beautiful in a way.

"So, how gay are you on a scale of one to ten?" Phil asks suddenly.

Dan scoffs in shock. Phil didn't waste time, did he? He said what was on his mind a lot for someone with problems regarding expressing true feelings.

"What makes you assume I'm gay?" Dan says still scoffing.

Phil chuckles, "You walk around practically screaming 'I want a dick up my ass!' I'm surprised you even play straight."

Dan blushes again, "This session is supposed to be about you, not me." Dan says trying to hide how red his cheeks are.

"Alright, fine. I'm Phil Lester, and I am not okay. In fact I'm so un-okay that I live in a mental ward, and I just got a new doctor who is very hot. So hot that I'm considering fucking him against this stupid table right now, but the thing is he refuses to tell me anything about him. I'm bisexual. Always have been always will be. Now, I'd open up a lot more if he were to tell me a bit about himself." Phil says smiling.

Dan shakes his head with a big grin on his face. He likes Phil. He can't help it. Even though Phil makes him flush red to the point where he resembles a tomato, he likes him.

"I'm Dan Howell. I graduated at 16, and I like anime. I'm pansexual."

Phil seems satisfied with the answer. "I can't wait until you fall in love me, Dan Howell." he says with wonder, shaking his head like Dan was inferior.

Dan was extremely confused, "Excuse me?" He asks.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking out loud." Phil says, pretending it meant nothing.

Dan opens his mouth to say something, but Phil cuts him off.

"You're too beautiful a boy for a dump like this. You could be somewhere fancier. It makes me wonder why you showed up here."

Dan laughs, "I wanted to help the people here get better." he says sincerely.

Phil's laughs echo through the mostly empty room. "Nah, it's something else." he says, "If you came here looking to lose your will to live, then you've found the right place."

Dan laughs. "It feels like home."

Phil stops smiling suddenly as he whispers, "It is my home."

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