Chapter 21

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I woke up in a strange place. The lights were dim, but I could still make out some shapes in the dark. " well good morning sweet daughter" the voice sent chills down my spine and petrified me to the core. The voice I had so profoundly dreaded and I had had dozens of nightmares about. The voice that still haunted my mothers memories and would not let her rest in peace. " it has been a long time my sweet sweet daughter" his voice echoed in my brain. " remember when you saw me for the last time? And how I told you I would get revenge?" I put on a very scared face, " Ah judging by your face you do. Well today's your lucky day because that is exactly what I have come to get, My Revenge." He pulled up a hammer " is there anything you would like to say before you die my sweety?"
I nodded my head, " isn't the goal of a murderer to have their victim suffer? To make them screech in pain till the end? For them to be so scared and have them beg for their life, and you to deprive them of their wish and watch them slowly suffer away to nothingness? I am not suffering though, there is nothing better I want than to be released from this cruel and harsh world. When ever you do kill me you will be my savior because I don't have the guts to end my own life, so I will thank you for ending it for me." He stood realizing the words I had said, I closed my eyes and waited for the hammer to end my life. But the hammer never came, instead there stood a very frightened Hoseok.

" What are you doing here?!" I asked surprised. He stood akwardly a pipe in one hand and his phone in the other. I looked at my feet and saw my my father. Finally things added up. " uh, um is he dead?" I asked. I checked, nope still breathing, dang it. " Taehyung called said you were in trouble, naturally I was with Miana. She told be you were better off dead, but I finally snapped out of my trance and do the right thing, broke up with her. I rushed over here, and traced your phone, and here I am" the wire around my legs and hands was starting to cut me. I winced in pain, but somehow I managed not to cry. Finally, mabey this nightmare would be over.

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