Chapter 7:

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  I fell on the bed immediately upon arrival. I pondered on how I was going to decorate the room. 'Hmmm' I thought silently, suddenly their was a knock at the door. " Can I come in" Hoseok said shyly. I didn't respond, " I guess that is a yes". Hoseok marched right into the room and sat on the bed. "Sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to, I just get excited" Hoseok looked down at his shoes, ashamed. "It's ok" I responded. " Ah, REALLY!" Hoseoks face lit up and his frown was replaced by a gleeming smile. "Can I help you?" He said after calming down. I nodded, sometimes I'm even too lazy to say yes.

As I was unpacking, Hoseok spoke, " what is this?" He said as he pulled out a familiar object to me. "It's a really old book", the memories rushed back, the night mom was normal for the last time. My scalp stung at the thought of how my father through me against the wall. I clutched the pink sweater in my hands and rolled myself into a ball, all the conversation of my mom and dad replayed in my mind. All of the insults and threats, the constant degradation of my poor mother. I whimpered, and put my hands over my ears. As much as I tried I could not shut the voices out. My panic attack worsened I rocked my body back and forth.
All I could hear were the constant slaps that my mother received. I wanted to hide, find a place where no one  could find me, I wanted to escape existence. As my thoughts were engrossed in misery, Two hands wrapped around my shivering body and carried  me to my bed. " it's ok, you will be ok" they whispered in my ear . Hoseok wraped his arms around me, " I will be like your brother, no matter what happens I am here". His words blocked out the fighting and my body relaxed, my body went limp in his lap and he began to sing. My body started to regain consciousness, and I finally could sit up. " I-I am sorry about that" I finally studdered out." It's ok, I m here for you, sister." I managed to put aside my shyness and give him a hug. Aside from Mr.Kim no one had ever been this kind to me out of heart, all I received was pity. "Thank you" was all I could respond. We sat like this for a couple minuets till his mother called us down. "Please don't  tell your parents about this, ok" I asked Hoseok sincerely. " I won't" he responded walking out of the room.

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