Chapter 6

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" I promise to visit every month Ok" mr.Kim released me from his grasp and nudged me to the door. "Do I have to?" I replied nervously. "Cynthia, you are 16, Don't act like your in kindergarten and go in, they are not going to eat you! Now I have to go, so hurry or I will leave you here alone" Mr. Kim said stepping into his car. "Ok" I slowly climbed up the dusty steps to ring on the door bell. " Goodbye Cynthia!" Mr. Kim said as he revved up the engine of his police car. I waved back and as I was waving I didn't notice the door being opened. "Well hello there!" I turned around quickly, " My name is Hoseok! I have a sister, but she is not here right now, we have been waiting for you for a while now, is it true that your mom died?". I stood a little in shock ,in front of me stood a boy who was my same age but acted like a 6 year old, sunshine seemed to seep from his cheeks. I don't think I have ever seen a person so happy in my life.
Before he could say anything else his mom stepped in and covered his mouth." Hello Cynthia, this is my son Jung Hoseok, I have a daughter but she is with her friends for the rest of the week. Your room is upstairs please put your stuff down and get settled and join us for dinner" she smiled and stepped out of the door way. As I climbed the stairs distant voices could be heard " what have I Told you about scaring our guests? Do you remember what happened when your sisters friends came over? That girl still has nightmares!" I giggled a little and continued up the stairs.

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