Chapter 12

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I walked to the front of the class as everyone stared at me. "Ok Cynthia, this is your starting pitch" he played a note on the piano and told me to start. I opened my mouth to sing the scales " Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do" As I ended everyone's mouth was a gap. "Wow Cynthia you are truly a soprano!" Everyone clapped except for YeoJin and my face went red. "Cynthia you can sit next to.." He scanned the area. "In between Taehyung and YeoJin" the teacher kindly said and moved on.

I stared in disbelief. Was this teacher being serious right now! I slowly walked up the risers and position myself in between the 2 love birds. Taehyung waved at me and smiled welcomingly, meanwhile his girlfriend looked like she rather die than sit beside me. Me and Hobi were last to sing ,but we were the most waited for. As we sang both our voices intwined in great harmony, we put everyone around us in trance. As the song was coming to an end, I let out a sigh of relief. Everyone clapped and  I felt appreciated for the first time.

*bell rings*

" Ok class, please go home safely and make sure that is you have an umbrella you use it! You don't want to catch a cold do you?" The teacher collected his stuff and walked out the door. I followed Hobi to our seats. I leaned over to grab my belongings , as I did someone grabbed them before I did. It was YeoJin, ' what does this girl want now?' I thought.

" Oh Cynthia, don't get too cocky, your voice is the only thing pretty about you! Don't think you stand a chance with my Taehyung!" YeoJin said as the last 2 people walked out of class.
I stared straight in her eyes, I was done, all I wanted to do was get home and check my Twitter that's all! " Do I look like I give a shit if I stand a chance with Tae?" I asked in the most normal tone I could find. When she didn't respond I spoke " I guess I don't look like it, see you have nothing to worry about! Now leave me alone!" As I finished my sentences YeoJin threw my stuff on the floor and it scattered everywhere. " Great" I sighed.

I nealed down to pick up my papers. ' I never knew I had so many papers?' I thought. I reached for a paper and a stinging feeling on my thumb pulled me back. The blood trickled down my thumb and I looked for a tissue. I felt a slight tap on my shoulder, "Here" I looked up and saw Taehyung standing with a paper napkin in his hand. " Thank you." I said taking the napkin and placing it on my thumb. I continued to pick up my stuff, Tae leaned down to help me. " how did you drop all your stuff? It looks like someone dumped all of your bookbag out?" I looked up at him. " actually someone did" He looked up at me " who would be so mean as to do that?" He said. " your girlfriend.." I said as I stared at the ground, he stood up and walked out the door. He placed my bookbag on a chair and stormed off. "Hmm, I wonder what is wrong with him?" I thought as I placed my book bag on my back.

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