Chapter 17

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We arrived at the park and saw many happy couples walking around. The park was so pretty, Christmas lights hung from the trees as fireflies aluminated the rest of the park. " tell me about you." I said as we walked around the park " why do you live with Jimin?" I asked. " well, I um, sort of ran away from my house. My parents would not let me be what I wanted to be in life so, I found a way to escape." He said it so calmly it startled me. " what?!" I asked confused.
" why didn't you ever tell me about this?" I asked confused." You never needed to know, Oh and I was a hobo for 2 years then Jimins parents found me no adopted me." Once again I stood shocked. I hugged him and spoke " I bet you felt so alone so forgotten, like the world had turned against you and you had no place to go, because where ever you went you knew you weren't wanted." He picked my face up from his chest and kissed my lips. Man I loved him. I forgot all of the wrongs in the world when I was with him, I never knew love could do this to you.

We walked around but the time to go came. After everything I jumped on my bed and quickly asleep. My usually terrifying dreams were replaced with dreams of hope and happiness for now anyway. If this was all a dream I didn't want to wake up, If this was a fantasy I wanted to stay in this place forever, but sadly my life isn't a fantasy at all.

I woke up with a real smile on my face. I stepped out of bed humming EXO lyrics, I slipped on my uniform and curled my hair. I grabbed my bookbag and walked down the stairs. I barely noticed the disgusted looks Hoseok gave me, and ate my food in peace. But the world has something against my happiness. Ms.jung walked into the kitchen and dropped the phone in my lap. She said shivering the words I least expected." Mr.kimmm is dead, he got shot in service" the grim words repeated in my head and I let my spoon fall into my cereal bowl. I entered into hysterical fits of laughter, " your joking, your joking!" I screamed. When she shook her head I Sobbed out in pain and I felt the tears stain my uniform as they dribbled down my face. I raced out of the kitchen and ran outside. "No!!!" I screamed falling on my knees. I curled my body into a ball and sobbed in my hands. Why me? Why? The question I always asked myself. Everything I did came at a cost, everything I touched slowly began to deteriorate and fall away. First my family, then Hobi, and now officer Kim. All our memories rushed through my mind , all the good times we spent together, I wept even louder. I stared vainly up at the sky, my eyes stung, my hair was a mess, my uniform was stained with tears and grass stains. No one came, that is until I felt to arms grab me and pull my head forward. I stared now at the roof of a car, I didn't care, not anymore. Everything I love slowly dies. I was pulled out of the car once more and carried up some stairs, and lied down on a soft bed. " your safe with me now." Taehyung said. At the sound of his voice I stood up hugged him tightly, you are the only person who cares about me now I thought. " my own brother doesn't care about my existence but you do, I want to give you all the happiness I can provide to you." I said through tears. He hugged me back and sat me on his lap. I cried, and cried till I felt like I could cry no more. I am pretty sure I looked horrible, but Tae still called me beautiful. How did I deserve a person like him? I couldn't go to school, not today, Taehyung stayed with me, and didn't care if he was counted absent for the 15 time In a month. The day slowly turned to night but I didn't care, let the days turn to months and those into years, All I wanted to do was to stay in his arms forever. The arms that gave me comfort, protection, and understanding, the arms I knew so well.

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