Chapter 18

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1 week before:
Lee Choi's  point of view:
It had been 6 years in that dirty prison. 6 years of misery, and utter despair. But I would get my revenge on everyone who wronged me. First that officer who arrested me and took my family, next my wife, and last my daughter. They will not escape now, there will be no officer to save them.
I stepped into the bright sun and shielded my eyes, it had been the 1st time I had seen the sun. I jumped into a taxi and began the job I had planned so long ago. " let me off here" I said, an evil smile spread across my face as I recognized the police car that took me to my doom. I paid the man and he drove off, the pistol felt nice in my hands. It's cool metal soothes my inner rage and as I slowly pulled the trigger at the mans head it gave me a sense of comfort nothing else could give me. The man struggled and pleaded for me not to shoot him , but I had made up my mind long ago. He shouldn't have messed with a person like me, no one should mess with a person like me. " Cynthia, cynthia, cynthia" the officer slowly said as he drifted off . " Oh don't worry I will be going after her later, I wish you could be here to watch how she suffers, how she pleads for help but no one will help her!" A wicked smile echoed from my lips as the man let out one last breath. I left his body to rot and continued on with my plans.

As I walked down the road a girl about what my daughter should look like crossed my path. "excuse me" I said to her as she walked along. She stopped and responded " yes." " do you know where a Cynthia Choi lives? I have some business with her." I said simply. " what kind of business?" She asked I was starting to get annoyed but then a devious plan slipped through my mind. This child could help me, a smirk formed on my lips. " I will pay you to help me." I said rushed. She nodded, knowing that she would get paid and get the revenge she so craved for.

They formed a dispicable plan that was sure to be a success. " but we need a diversion" I said. " you leave the diversion to me" YeoJin said calmly. And we were off.

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