Chapter 19

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Is stood  infront of the casket, tears streamed my face. White lilies covered the casket and made me remember the time when my mother died and Mr.Kim was there to console me. Now he was gone. I said my final goodbyes and they took him away. Taehyung hugged me and gave me protection. " he is in a better place now" he tried to comfort me but I was grieving. A while passed till I could feel conscious once more, I had grown very skinny and pale, and for the first time in all my life my grades fell. I stood up from my bed and went to the bathroom, when I did come out I wa met with Taehyung on my bed. "Cynthia let's go out some place." Taehyung said calmly. I said nothing I didn't feel like going anywhere, but since I  wanted to give him as much happiness as possible I nodded. " oh I know" he said snapping his fingers. " get ready and meet me here in 2 hours! Ok?" I nodded once again. I had a sickening feeling in my stomach like something odd was going to happen, but I always put Taehyung's happiness over mine. So I changed into some clean  clothes, applied makeup over my baggy eyes, collected my stuff and lied on my bed as I waited for Taehyung.

The time came for him to meet me. I was depressed there was no hiding it. I wanted to stay under the covers all day. Yes I know I was being ignorant, I had such a great person next to me but I still wasn't happy. What was wrong with me? Why was my life like this? Why couldn't the world let me be happy? Did I have to sacrifice everything I have to be truly happy? I don't know. Why is life like this, it sucks you up and spits you up without regret.

Taehyung knocked on my door and snapped me out of my thoughts. " are you ready?" He asked smiling. I nodded, he smiled always, I wish I had his optimism in life I thought. We slowly walked down the stairs and he looked my way. " cheer up Cynthia! It s going to be ok." He hugged me and we stepped out of the house.

It was 12 pm when we stepped into the car and it was 7pm when we got out. The car ride was simple, songs came on the radio and we hummed them. I tried to be positive but how can you be positive when you have lost a big piece of your heart. Sure Mr.Kim hadn't visited in a while but He was like my adopted father, and the least thing I could do was grieve for his lose. He poked at my dimples to make me smile, " be happy today, for me" Tae said a whimper escaping his lips. "Ok" I said smiling. "anything for you". He smiled and my favorite song started playing, I took that as a sign and let go of my sadness.

I stepped out of the car and stretched out my tired legs. I let out a sigh of satisfaction and followed Taehyung to our destination. " We will have to walk a little farther along but we will Arrive soon ok, if you get tired you can always hop on my back, ok" I smiled at his tenderness twords me. There was rustling in the bushes next to where we were, but I paid no attention, and continued on. As we crossed the usually filled park, I couldn't help but feeling followed, but yet again, since I was with Tae, I paid no attention.

3rd POV:
Slowly a wicked, evil smile spread on the mans lips, " there she is" he said as he saw her walking down the side walk. " How did you know they would come here?" Lee asked YeoJin. " this is where Tae took me on our first date." She stared straight at Cynthia. " that's why I want revenge so I can have him back." She brushed off some of her blue highlights  out of her face and continued on. " let's go they are getting away" she said getting up.

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