Chapter 2

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My life was not a normal 9 year olds life after that day. My father was rarely home and when he was nothing but screams could be heard. My mothers face was always bruised ,but she was a strong women, she kept a smile on her face no matter how sad she was. " as long as you are with me my sweety I will always be happy" my mother said with glee. I knew they were lies all of the kind words my mother said about our life, But I smiled through it and pretended like I had never seen what had happened.

I would wake up in the middle of the night crying because I thought I heard screams, I rarely spoke to anyone at school anymore. Because of that I lost friends, but I am glad to say my grades always stayed A's. I was on the verge of being depressed but always manage to catch myself before I fell of the edge. The happy times after the incident were rare but, they didn't become extinct, well not yet anyway. I stood on the edge of my bed, " mommy" I called out. " yes sweety are you ok" my mothers melodic voice responded. " Yes, can you read me a bed time story? I asked
My mother walked into the room holding a thick book. " which one?" She said with a smile
I patted a spot next to me on the bed. My mother read me countless stories from that book, slowly I began to feel sleep hover over me. I looked over my shoulder and noticed my mothers eyelids begin to droop. I grabbed the book closed it and placed it on my bedside. I snuggled into my mother and we fell asleep.

That was one of the most memorable times in my life, when I was the happiest. I wished all my days were like that night ,but sadly the world isn't that generous.
The next day I woke up and found my mother by my side. I walked out of bed to the bathroom. I didn't want this moment to end ever so afterwards I silently slipped back under the covers. I was probably asleep for another hour when I was a woken by my mothers screams. " wake up you dirty Wh*re!" My father screamed as he pulled my mother by her hairs out of bed. When I finally achieved full consciousness I pulled at my fathers shirt asking him to please let go of mommy. My father did let go of my mother only to release his rage on me. He Snatched me from my hair and threw me to the other side of the room, my head throbbed but I got up. Through my blurred mind I still saw my father pick up my mother again and continue what he was doing. I finally did what I should have done from the beginning I grabbed the phone and called the police. " please come, please" I whispered into the phone as tears fell down my face. The police did not come fast enough for me, but they did arrive 3 minuets after my phone call.
I slowly made my way down stairs phone still in hand. And was met with the sweet sound of sirens coming to the rescue.

don't forget to smile Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang