Camila just giggled a little. "So you never met the donor?"


"Wouldn't you want to though? I know I would probably. Even if I promised myself I wouldn't; I'd probably cave." The Cuban-native said that last part with a somewhat joking tone.

"Logan would want to meet him then. And I already can't say no to her when she asks for ice cream for breakfast, what do you think it would be like if she asked to see her father. Plus on his information papers, he strictly said he was just donating and didn't want any contact with the mother, me, or the child, Logan." Lauren explained.

"Obviously, at first I was kind of scared of raising her on my own, but I think over the past five years I've gotten the hang of things." Lauren laughed and looked straight into Camila's eyes.

"I can already tell that you're an amazing mother to her." Camila found Lauren's gaze.

They looked in each others eyes for what felt like hours. Camila swears her heart actually was beating a faster than the speed of light.

The girl with the brown eyes was the one to break the silence.

"I should probably get going now." She coughed out.

"No!" Lauren replied quickly. "I-I mean...where do you stay at night?" She asked knowing it wasn't anywhere indoors.

Camila didn't reply right away out of embarrassment. "Um...usually the park bench." Her voice cracked. "But I really should go, Lauren. Thank you so much for lunch. And I'll get these clothes back to you as soon as possible." She headed for the door.

"Stay here." Lauren blurted out. Now that made Camila stop and turn around.

"What?" The younger girl was confused. They were so different. Why would Lauren want to hang out with her, let alone have her stay at her home.

"Stay here. At least for a few days." Lauren didn't know why she was already so attached to Camila. She was just this small thing. She honestly looked like a bag of bones; she was so skinny. Lauren just had some weird feeling. Like she needed to protect Camila. She didn't understand it, but she listened to it.

"Lauren, I can't intrude like that. You have a daughter to look after." Camila tried to convince herself that staying with Lauren would be a mistake. But she wanted to more than she even knows.

"Logan loves you!" Lauren confessed. "That day that she talked to you and gave you that money, she couldn't stop talking about you. 'Mommy, she's so pretty.', 'She's so nice.', 'She said 'hi' to me!'. She already loves you."

"Lauren, we just met. I could be a serial killer for all you know." Camila fake-warned her.

"Logan and I both are too! You'll fit in perfectly." Lauren joked.

Camila couldn't help herself from laughing at that. Lauren always joked when something was too serious.

"Please. You can leave whenever you want. Just try it out. I don't understand why, but I just have this feeling that I want to help you as much as I can. And honestly, you've been a really good friend to me these past few weeks. I only have a few of those left." Lauren confessed to the smaller girl.

Camila couldn't believe that. Lauren was one of the most outgoing and friendly people she ever had the blessing to know.

She knew that she shouldn't stay with Lauren. Her brain kept telling her that it was a terrible idea, and she would get in too deep not to tell Lauren about who she really was. Camila didn't care though. It was her time to be selfish and listen to her heart, which was telling her to stay, even though her old feelings are coming back to her.

I Know You (Camren)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora