Chapter 42

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I woke up and just didn't feel right. my chest felt bad, I had a migraine, and my legs just did not want to move.

But I was able to pull my self up.

I felt a sharp pain in my trachea. I grabbed it and wined.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Master Splinter. He handed me a cough drop and I grabbed it and popped it in my mouth.

I asked what was going on and in response splinter said "well, first we were going to celebrate but then Leo said that you were upset and was resting in here. when I came up, I saw the other girls looking after you. I told them to help Tails with the device that should take us home."

"How long was I out?"

"About 3 hours." Splinter said while pulling me out of bed.

I was so weak in the knees, I fell to the ground. Splinter said to wait where I was. I asked why and he said "well, I'm to old to carry a 13 year old turtle. I'm lucky I can carry Venus."

I just chuckled and stayed there.

After about a minute of being on my knees, I saw Mikey come in. he asked if I was ok. I just nodded.

He walked over and picked me up bridle style. he walked me down to the court yard and said "were going to take a photo of all of us together. we were waiting for you to get up. Raph was the one most impatient."

"Because he misses Spike?"

"No. he wants to know if you were ok."

I was a little shocked. he was tuff one of the bunch. if expect him to be like 'When's Beth weakening-up!?! were not getting any younger.' To be honest, I was a little touched.

We walked to where the photo was being taken, well I was being carried.

When we got there we saw Bubblegum setting up a camera, and some candy people were cleaning up the spot there I think we were going to take the photo.

When I was setteled down on a rock everyone surrounded me. Mario felt my forehead and said something that I can't trace late. "Mario said that your a little warm. but it must be you being upset." Dasiy explained.

Bubblegum said to come and form a big cluster for the pictuer. the first row was of sonic and his friends because there were so many of them. next was us, I had to be supported by Raph and Rachel, but i was ok with that. then was Marios friends, and then Finn and Jake.

Bubblegum put some film in the camra and said "Smile big." and a flash came from the tiny light on the top. then 4 peices of paper came out of the bottom. when the photo was shown it looked great.. she put them all in little bags and gave one to Splinter, Sonic, Mario, and Jake.

when Tails was putting the last touches on the device, are eneamys came by to go back home. Cat-Tails walked over to me and i tried to stand up and fight, but i forgot that i cried so much i was to weak to stand up. i ended up falling to my knees.

Cat-tails tried to grab hold of me but i pushed him away and yelled "Leave me alone! I think youve done enough damage! dont you!?!" April ran over and said "Cat-tails, i think it be best to just wait over there." as she was helping me up to my feet.

"man. Cat-Tails really hurt you." Finn said when i was on a setteled back on my rock. i nodded and said "who would'nt?"

"you need a hug?" venue asked as she spreaded her arms out. i grabbed her and started to cry, aging.

then Venue brought out a small box out and said "i found this in the forest yesterday. it looks a little old but it dose look really cool." she handed it to me and i opened it. i was shocked. IT WAS MY GRANDMAS BRACLET! it just looked old 'cause it was dirty! "Venuse. this is my bracelet. thank you."

"So am i off the hook?" Cat-Tails asked.

"no. you still responable for burning Bethanys house down." amy said in a snappy tone.

we hured a loud hum and Tails yelling "Time to go home!"

Mikey came down with my B-MO and said "ready!"

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