Chapter 5 (TMNT)Adv Time)

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I woke up and I felt like I was sleeping on hard concrete. I sat up to see a big peppermint staring at me. She started to scream but I covered her mouth and said "don't worry. I won't hurt you. just ignore the ninja weapons."

She just looked at me and said "what ninja weapons?"

I was a little confused. but that was until I looked down. My tessens were gone! I looked in a puddle and saw that my mask was gone to! I looked exactly like when I first mutated! I looked at the little peppermint and asked. "Have you seen any more turtles that look a lot like me?"

She nodded 'no' but she did tell me that there was one by the Candy Castle I thanked the little girl and climbed onto the rooftops and started to go to the castle.

When I got there I saw Mikey. I was so happy. I jumped down and gave Mikey a really big hug. Mikey looked at and said "have you seen the others?"

I nodded 'no' but then we saw a very old man. flying'? That had to be the weirdest thing I ever seen in my life! And the crazier thing is that he holding 2 people in his arms it looked like a pink princess, and, APRIL!

We heard someone coming out of the castle and we saw a boy and his dog. the boy yelled "ILL GET YOU ICE KING!!!!"

Mikey lend over to me and said "I hope the guys are ok"

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