Chapter 24

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(This is Bethany. Just FYI)

I was so sore. I wanted to sit up, but I just didn't feel like my body could take it. I just laid there. I wanted to play on my B-MO, or draw, or something. I just couldn't take it. I could barley bend my fingers.

I was about to fall back asleep when I heard someone walk in. I looked over and saw my little Venus. she looked like her little peppy self. I just looked at her and smiled. she grabbed my hand and said "are you ok?"

I just nodded. I did my best to move over so she can crawl into bed with me. I managed a little. I tried to pat on the mattress and i guess she knew what i meant because she crawled in the bed and intently fell into a deep slumber.

I almost fell asleep when Splinter walked in. he just walked in and said "and who is this?"

I looked up and said "this is little Venus." then Splinter went down on his knees and said "and how do you know her?"

I looked at Venus and said "well, when I was a purple dragon, the gang was trying to kidnap kids. I freed them all except Venus. She was mutated, and I wasn't going to let her die alone. or else I'll feel like it was all my fault. but I knew if you had to take care of another kid, you'd go insane. so I kept her on the other side of the sewer, bringing her food, stuff to keep her busy, and been training her in ninjutsu. I wanted to give her a weapon but I wasn't going to steel from you. I did the best I could to keep her a secret, but I knew I couldn't hide her forever. but at lest I tried."

Splinter looked shocked! Then he said "so you adopted her?"

"In a way I did." I said. I knew I wasn't going to say she was my child. because she wasn't.

I don't really know where her real family was, but it was to late now. if I show my face or hers to a human, we would get most likely dictated.

Splinter looked at her and said "why didn't you tell me you were taking care of a child?"

"I wanted to, but I knew you'd try to take care of her. then you'd go crazy." I explained every thing but I tried not to sound like I wanted him to take care of Venus. I mean, 6 kids is enough.

Splinter shook his head and said "Bethany, you take care of your self. you survived being kidnaped, twice! you train a little 5 year old! and your a psychic! Bethany. all I do is give you advice, feed you, and train you in ninjutsu. and you pass that onto a young soul that seams to have a interest in this. You are doing just fine on your own. and just out of curiosity, how fussy is she?"

I looked down and just said "she's not that bad, but she can be a little unpredictable. but you just can't help but love her. she's a good girl. I mean you could hit her with a wine bottle and she will barely shed a tear."

Then Venus opened her eyes and said "and she tried. I barley felt a thing."

Splinter just snickered. then I told him about how I've been training her, how long I've been hiding her, witch was about a month, and how I've been bring her food.

Then Splinter called in the guys in one by one.

Mikey was the first to come in. Mikey came in and said "so.... You have a little sister?" I explained everything in a way only Mikey could understand. and I guess Mikey got PART of it. But I don't think he got all of it.

Then Donnie came in. Once aging I explained everything. then Donnie asked "are you a little overwhelmed?" I looked at him and said "no. but, I do miss having a child hood. but if that means I get to help out someone who needs it then bring it on!" the he patted Venus's head and left.

Then Raph came in. I didn't need to explain it because he said he over heard me talking to Donnie. I looked at him and said "Raph. look, I'm really sorry I've been hiding stuff from you guys, but, I-I just don't know if its a good idea to tell you." he said "hey. I don't tell you everything either." Raph just patted my head and left

Lastly was Leo. he came in, he said that he heard in from Donnie. I just said "Leo, I'm so sorry. It won't happen aging." He just looked at Venus, who at the time was trying to grab a butterfly that flue in from a open window, and said "I think we can find a room for her to sleep in. as long she doesn't go in are rooms, comes in while we're training she should be fine."

After that Venus ran up to me and said "you like the one in red." I was shocked. she knows I'm not over my fight with Ryan. it's like the 'fight' I had about 3 days ago with April. i picked up her and put her on the bed and explained that I'm not completely over Ryan. "but why?" Venus asked. I patted her head and said "he was one of my best friends. I can't let that up. its hard to give up something that you loved for years on end. now; you go to the play ground and try to make some friends. I need to rest." I put her down and I she ran out the door. I put my head down and fell asleep.

the four calide (book 3)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz