Chapter 32

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After about 2 hours of working, I heard someone come in the room.

I looked up and saw Mikey. he had 4 or 5 presents in his arms. he sat them down and said "dude, you missed the party. shredder, Kriai, and Ryan left and everyone's going to bed. You need to relax." I shook my head and said "Venus needs help, and I'm going to do whatever I can to give that to her. so, do I look like I care that I missed the party?"

"Well, no. but you've been working for a long time." I just pushed Mikey off and shooed him away. Mikey said in a annoyed tone "ok! Bubble gum is sending hospital people here to work on Venus, so come on."

He walked over and picked me up! I banged on his shell and said "LET ME GO! YOU DO KNOW WHAT IM CAPABLE OF! LET ME DOWN!"

"Raph! your girlfriend is freaking out! help me out here!" Raph walked in and said "she ain't my girlfriend, Mikey. give her here."

"Wait. so your the leader now?" Mikey said as he's giving me to Raph. he put me over his shoulder and I saw the medical staff running to Venues room.

I tried shaking out of Raph grip so I could get to Venus, but his grip was to tight.

As he was walking me to my room he said "oh, your not strong enough to get out of my grip. but if I recall, you bet me when we first meet. is that right?"

"We'll I'm sorry that I'm scared that my sister is now turtle soup! now let me go!"

Raph brought me to the girls room and said hi to the girls and plopped me on my bed. everyone sat next to me and tried to calm me down.

Every now and then I tried to run out to Venus, but Raph and the girls stopped me before I even got out the door. after 3 or 4 try's I gave up. I knew I wouldn't get out, even if I paid them 100,000,000 bucks. Or whatever they use in sonics, Mario's, and Finns and Jakes universe.

After all my techies I just fell on my bed and started to sob uncontrollably.

I promised Venus that I'd protect her from harm, and now I feel like I failed her. Now she looked like a over cooked, green hotdog with a light blue bandana.

I tried to fall asleep. but I couldn't, I still had Venus on the mind. I couldn't stop wondering if she'll be ok.

The next day when I woke up, my eyes hurt so bad. I went to look in the mirror and saw that my eyes were blood shot. "I must of cried myself to sleep." I said to myself.

I walked to Venus's hospital room and saw a black mass hovering over Venus. I just smiled and said "I'd I knew you would show up?" the mass just stayed there and looked at Venus. I shrugged and said "well, sorry. when I saved her from the shredder, I blessed her. so you can't do any. to bad, so sad."

I chuckled and walked off to get my sage. Or my supplement for sage. when I got back I lit a match and started to burn the sage.

As I was pushing it off I heard a scream and it didn't sound like Venus. I ran to the window and looked around. when I looked down I saw a big dragon eating candy people.

I looked around and saw a blow horn, so I turned it on and used it to gathered all the uneaten candy people inside.

When all the uneaten people were counted for, Leo ran to me and told me that Raph ran in the dragon to try to save the people, and that there contacting him though the new and improved T-Phones.

When we all called Raph and we heard a lot of screaming but we were able to hear Raph loud and clear. sonic came over and spoke in my T-Phone saying "Raph. can you hear me?"

"Everyone calm down! and yes I can hear you guys. its just that everyone screaming on the top if there lungs. Donnie looked like he was thinking. I pointed it out to April and she asked "what are you thinking Donnie?" Donnie looked at her and said "well, the dragons digestive system maybe really thick, so how could a signal that good, be coming though?"

Then we heard someone say "master Raphel! we found some type of stone! and its glowing! I think it's the thing that's giving you the signal!"

"A stone!" Mikey yelled out. Donnie hit him upside and pointed out that it must of been a chaos emerald.

Then all of the sudden we heard Finn yell. we all ran out and saw him cutting the dragon in half. we could see all the people in a single file line on both sides. we were all amazed on how sharp that sword was. Both half fell on the ground, everyone just pored out.

Everyone ran to Finn but Raph. he just gave him a thumbs up and walked to the castle. I looked at him and said "I'd give you a hug but-"

"I know, I know." He interrupted "I was just inside a dragons digestive system." Then he walked side. maybe to take a shower?

I walked inside after him and went to finish what I started.

When I got there I saw the sprit trying to get back to Venus. I just pushed him out and said "well that's the last we see out of him."

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