chapter 29

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after we got over the lake we turned of the hover maganisem and we watched the Litch fly into a big hole. finn and jake looked at us and said "well stay out here and you go in. all you have to do is tare his skull off his boney body." we nodded and fell down.

april was holding onto Donnie shell, and i really think Donnie liked that. maybe he thinks that april trusts him, or something. i dont know.

anyway we were free falling down in the hole without knowing where we end up. i felt a tap on my sholder and saw that Ryan was behind me. "i dont really think this ts safe. you know. us fallind down into a hole not knowing if we'd fall on spikes, solid ground, or-" i shoved a stick in his mouth and said "i think i get it."

when we hit he floor we started to hear some type of noise that sounded like lava. leo looked around and pointed in a deration that had a light green glow. i was alittle nerves, but i knew that it had to be done. we needed to save the world, get that emerld, and get the shell out of there.

the tennel wasnt very long. we got there in about a minute. when we got there we saw the Litch makeing some type of concation in a big pool. we all hoped down and hid in the shadows. but it was kinda hard. there was roots and rocks pokeing at us and stuff like that. we got in pasition and neeled down. we were as quiet as could be. we tried not to make a sound.

when the Litch was a safe distence away from the pool leo lifted a hane and caounted down from 3-1. then we ran at the Litch. i got out are tessens and slashed at one of his legs. April was doing the same to the other. Kriai was kicking at him like she ment business. raph was tried to get his sias in the Litchs head but the litch hit him away, bangging him into a wall.

"Raph!" i yelled and ran to him. i looked at him to see if he was ok. i liiked at the neckless he was given'. good thing it wasent broken. as i ran back to the litch i saw that he kicked everyone but April and Kriai away. eveyone was ok. i ran back and started to pounde the litch aging.

as i was fighting i didnt notice that the litch was about to punch me away, because when i was working on his left leg i heard April well "OH NO YOU DONT!" and she jumped in front of me and pushed me out of the way.

then she went flying. she was heading twords a wall then, BAM! head first into the wall. then the litch started to mekr weird noises, and stoped fighting. we all got up and ran to April. donnie was the first one there and he looked at her neckless. his eyes widened and yelled "ITS BROKEN! SHE NOW UNDER THE LITCHES CONTROLL!"

dang it!

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