Chapter 6 (mario)Adv Time)

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Peach POV

When I woke up I was in a cage made out ice. It was nice but cold. I looked around and found Daisy. She was shivering, like crazy.

After about 30 minutes of trying to brake the bars, a man came in carrying 2 girls. One was in like her 20's, and the other was about 15. The man opened the cage and placed them in the cage with us. He put four meals and said "OK, you guys stay here, wile I get more princesses."

The girl with the red hair walked up to the cage door and said "for starters, I am not a princess! And second of all, I WANT OUT!"

The man shrugged and flue out the window. The red haired girl sat in the corner and brought out a fan with a blade on it. I walked over to her and asked "may I ask what is that?"

She stood up and said "this is my Tessen. It's a weapon my teacher gave me to protect my self."

I looked at it and asked"how is that a weapon?" she amid and flung it at a bar of a cage. It went right though with the Tessen stuck in the middle! She took it out and I said "I know how were getting out of here."

She took the Tessen and started to saw the bars.


Sorry the chapters is so short. I just want some people to give me some ideas. So please comment some ideas.

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