chapter 14

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Me and April were looking for Splinter. who knew that finding a huge rat could be so hard. now i know how Shredder feels when he cant find us. we were looking for Splinter when I saw that April was smiling. I tapped her shoulder and said "why are you smiling? are you happy that Splinter is gone!?"


She looked at me like i was crazy. She nugged me and said "No! are you crazy!? hes like a father to me. Im smiling because you might have have a boyfriend." My eyes almost popped out of my head! I looked at her and said "what would make you say that?"

she looked at me with a you-say-what-now look. she hit me on the head and said "do you rember what happened last night?" really? i dont have short turm memory lost. Raph surprized me. I said "yeah, so?"

she said "so. SO! Raph likes you and all you say 'yeah, so'? i know you only lived with us for awile but you need to start picking these things up! he never dose stuff like this. this means something! And you like him, plus you two are ment for each other!''

I shugged and said "so what if i do like him? im still not over my first brake up. I just dont think i need romance in my life right now." i hated to put it like that but shes my best friend, I need to be honest with her.

Then i started to see a glowing object. I pushed April out oh the way and picked up a deep blue stone. then I saw 7 stones cliding into 1 big stone and Sonic getting some type of engery from it. then i wispered "this is a chaos emerld." then i heard April say "what?" i grabbed she soulders and yelled "WE FOUND A CHAOS EMERLD!"


Well, we found out that shoudnt of been yelling because after about a minute of running a big fat guy in a flying robot thingy rushed infront of us. he had a claw and it rushed at me and tried to take the chaos emerld away from me. Then i saw Sonic fighting him. and the man had the same emerld in his hand. i yelled "NO! YOU CANT HAVE IT! IT DOSENT BELONG TO YOU!"

his claw pulled me off the ground and took a look at me and said "HA! A turtle, with red hair and a puple ninja mask trying to fight me! I must be dreaming. how are you going to stop THIS!" then he tried to flex but as you may think it was just plan gross.

I screamed "April! Now!" she got out her tessen and jumped and attacked Egg Man. We he let go of the swich that aparently contrould the claw. me and the chaos emerled fell. I lanned on my butt. I got up and gave the emerled to April. she looked at me and i said "your smaller. so that means your faster. run and get the guys. Ill hold him off. JUST GO!"

she nodded and ran. Egg Man tried to grab her but i slashed at his face with my tessen. he got mad and made his claw grab me. He got a hold of me and said "i think youll be good bait for that blasted hegehog."

awesome. im kidnaped. aging. (dont for get to read my 2ed book 'kidnaped by shredder') I didn't like being in this situation. I've been in this situation before. its not fun. I ALMOST GOT KILLED HERE!

the four calide (book 3)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant