chapter 22

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WAIT A MINUTE! THATS MY BEST FRIEND RACHEL!? IT CANT BE! can it? i grabbed the mask and pulled it off. and there she was. Rachel ann. MAN! i havent seen her in forever. I got up and hugged her. then she yelled "HEY KRIAI!" Kriai looked at her and Rachel finished saying ".I QUIT!"

I looked at the others and saw that they were about done. I called out "EVERYONE! LETS MAKE LIKE A BANANA AND SPLIT!" and everyone ran like there life depended on it. And Sonic? MAN, THAT BANANA CAN SPLIT.

When we were a sure we were safe, we took a breather. and man, did we need it. i was so tiered. but i needed to find i was about to fall asleep when Rachel shook me awake."Beth. i know you want to sleep but we need to keep moving."she said. i stood up and said "your right. we need that Chaos Emreld."

rachel looked at me and said "a chaos emerld? you mean this?" and there it was. a solid red emerld. i can't belive it. all are eyes went big. and i mean BIG. we all just ran up and hugged her hafe to death. but after that Mario said "but we still need to save Princess Peach."

finn said "were almost there." Leo looked at him and said "how do you know that?" finn rolled his eyes and said "i dated the fire queen." he dated the WHAT!?! How old is she? 39! then i heard Raph say "you didnt date a QUEEN! your 13! how old is she? 40?" finn got out his katana and ran at Raph. I took off my helmet and tosted it at finn knocking him out. and puting a dent in my helmet. oops.

i got my helmet and did the best i could to fix the dent. as for finn. i picked him up and kinda gave him a piggie-back ride. and FYI. for a small boy he was dencly packed.

i was so weak. i shouldent of come, but we need to get peach.I put Finns body and sat down. my head was really light. I felt like I was about to pass out. I looked at Donnie and said "Donnie, Tails, I know something's wrong."

Tails and Donnie came over and took my chest plate and saw a puddle of blood. MY CUT RE-OPENED! That, is not good. Donnie looked at me and said "so that's why your winded. you got a dangerous level of blood loss. We need to track back!"

then we heard a scream. Rachel looked at the fire kingdom and said "PEACH IS IN THERE! WE NEED TO SAVE HER!"

Then we heard different scream. and I recognize that scream. I sat up and yelled out "don't worry! I'm coming!" Raph looked at me and said "who is that? and how do you know her?" I tried to get up but I was to weak from the blood loss.

Sonic picked me up and was about to take me to the candy kingdom when I said "R-Raph. I-I want you to take this." Raph walked over to me and I i took a locket that I had tied to the tails of my mask and gave it to him. it held a pic of me and a younger girl, named Venus. (I thought it be cool to ad Venus in the story. I don't own Venus either.) I said "she's in there. ill explain more when I heal. just call out the name 'Venus' and she will know that your my friends."

He nodded and then sonic ran to the candy kingdom. all I remember is me getting put in PB's arms and me being put in a hospital bed. then I just fell asleep.

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