Chapter 25

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I woke up and felt like I had all my energy back. I looked at the front of my shell and the crack was sealed back up. I looked at my arm and I had a lot of the color back. I got up and did a back flip, and I didn't feel weak or anything. So I guessed that I was all fixed up.

I walked down stares and saw Leo, Venus, and Mikey on the sofa playing video games on my B-MO. I snuck up behind the guys and said "whatcha doin'?" And Mikey said "oh hey Beth where ju- wait. BETHANY!" he grabbed me and hugged me until I couldn't breath.

When he finally let go I put my hand on Venus's shoulder and said "were you good?"

Venus nodded her head 'no'. I asked why and she told me "you'll see in about 5-4-3-2-1..." and then Raph bursted out if his bed room wearing one of bubble gums dresses. then Mikey grabbed Venues hand and put her on his shell and ran off laughing. Raph bumped into me, and I toppled over the sofa.

Raph kept running and screaming "GET YOUR SHELLS BACK HERE!"

Then Leo helped me up and said that I was down for about a week. that was why I had all of my color back. I wasn't really surprised, I felt like I was asleep for week.

I was looking for Donnie and all of the sudden I heard a big 'bang' and saw smoke coming out of a room. I just stared and said to myself "well. Found Donnie. I hope he's ok."

I ran over and saw Donnie holding a bottle with a blueish-green color liquid in it, vile with a pink liquid in it, and his face was all black with a shocked expiration on his face.

I fell on the floor laughing. I can't believe that I woke up from a comma and already saw all for aditudes of my friends, and saw Venus already getting in trouble.

Then all of the sudden Venus and Mikey bursted though the door. Mikey had his nun-chucks out, and Venus had a stick. then we heard Bubble gum yell "ICE KING! GET OUT OF HERE!"

We all ran to her room and saw Finn, Jake, April, and Rachel protecting protecting her. Venus cupped her hands over her mouth and screamed "ICE KING ALERT!"

Donnie tapped me on the shoulder and handed me my Tessens. I almost hugged them. I was wondering where they were.

Then as Finn jumped up. Ice King try to say something but Finn already slammed him down. Ice King just fell with a thump.

Jake was about to wrap his body around him but Ice King was able to get "the Li-" out before his mouth was covered.

Bubble Gum eyes got wide, like she knew what he meant and ordered Jake to let him go.

Sonic came running in and had a scared look on his face, and he was pointing outside. "Guys, you need to see this quick. this creep is going nuts, and he has the other Chaos emerald!"

Me and the guys jumped down and saw a crazy man holding Shredder and Bowser in his fists. I knew this wasn't good. I mean, that thing took down Shredder and Bowser! what's worse than that?! Leo came up behind me and asked "What is that thing?"

"It's the Litch. the most evil thing in Ooh. he almost distorted the world, but luckily, Finn and Jake saved everyone." bubble gum explained, getting more red by the minuet.

I turned around and saw Jake with a 'troll smile' on his face. we all looked at him and Amy said "something happened. spill the beans. Oh and welcome back Bethany."

Jake smile weakened a little bit and said "well, The Litch almost took over PB's bod. so when she got big, we needed to have Ice King freeze her. but sadly she broke in like 1'000 pieces, so she got sent to nurse Pop-cake and they did the best they could to put her back together, but the didn't have all her body parts. so her age dropped like 5 years and she was 13. so PB was Finns first girl friend. but sadly they needed to take parts of the candy people to give her more body-stuff and now she's 18 aging."

Raph exclaimed that we needed to stop that thing before every thing goes way out of hand. And he was right. If he can take down the Shredder AND Bowser, he must be very powerful.

Kriai came and tried to help him up. and when he did sit up, we all realized his helmet was off! and ill tell you what. he looks like a mix of a Krang and a human. I don't see why he's mad at us. He looks like he's a mutant him self. And this is coming from a giant turtle.

Ryan gave Shredder his helmet, and he put it back on. shredder stood up, "that man is way to strong. how can I not defeat him?"

"That's the Litch. the most evil thing in the land of Ooh. his desire is to kill all of humidity." Bubble Gum said with a little worry in her voice.

Leo came up and sarcastically said "how am I not surprised?" and I think we all were thinking that.

Cream, came and asked "how do we stop him?"

I thought for a couple minutes and then it came to me. but I knew it be risky.

As the Litch flue away I said "look. I have a idea, but I don't think you'd like it. EVERY ONE! COME HEAR! I HAVE A PLAIN!" everyone came around and I shared that I think that we should work together and build armor, really powerful weapons and more to stop the Litch. and everyone flipped! they were all saying stuff like "no way!" and "not in a 1000 years!"

I just turned around and said "well, that's what I'm going to do. if I die, its your fault."

Finn and Jake ran after the Litch and I just walked to the lab and started to make even more powerful tessens.

the four calide (book 3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin