Chapter 21

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The first thing that popped in my mind was 'run for are lives'. but then I remembered that he had a Chaos emerald! we couldn't flee. We just had to stay and fight.

Sonic ran on top of him and banged on this helmet. Shedder tried to grab him but he was to fast.

Amy got out a really BIG hammer. She pulled it it back and ran at shedder. I covered my eyes. I thought she was going to get creamed. but she didn't. SHEDDER GOT HIT AND GOT BANGED INTO A TREE! (😂)

Tails started to swing his tails and started to... FLY! Cream did the same with her ears. Cream grabbed Tails hands and Cream flung Tails at Shrdder.

Knuckles ran up and started to punch him and denting his armor. he even punched him where the sun don't shine. and I got hit there. it wasn't fun (true story)

Me and the guys got out are weapons and headed for Shedder. But Ryan, Kriai, and a foot sholder stopped us.

WHY DOSE THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO US! EVERY TIME WE START GETTING SOMEWHERE SOMEONE STOPS US FROM FINISHING ARE TASK! I just got out my tessen and ran at them. i got the shouler. it was really good. then it knoked of my helmet. it stopped and said "Bethany?" Rachle

the four calide (book 3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin