Chapter 1 (Adv Time)

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"Finn! Jake! Your going to be late for the Top Hero party! so get you sugar free butts in here!" Princess Bubble-Gum said with a annoyed tone in her voice. I'm Finn and my partner, pet, and bro is Jake, and we saved PB so many times that we were voted Top Hero! And to the Candy Kingdom, that's a big deal.

"We're on are way to the Candy Kingdom right now PB. just hold on to your own butt." Jake said from behind stuffing his violin in his stomach gut. If you don't know, Jake stretch into anything you can think of, and it's really cool.

We started to fly (using Jakes ability) over to the Candy Kingdom because its the fastest way we could think of. As we were flying over we started to hear screaming coming over from the Candy Kingdom! then we saw Ice King flying in the other way, WITH PB! We turned around and went after Ice King!

The Ice King looked at us and yelled "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!" Then he lifted up his dress and and lit some rockets! Jake covered his eyes and yelled "OH GLOB MAN!"

All we saw as a few sparks and a cloud of smoke and he was gone. well that's just great. We make a change in plans. The festival can wait. We got a princess to save.

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