Chapter 15 <3 Beth <3

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“Uh, but I don’t know where-” I tried to protest as the oversized lady shooed me out of her office.

“Go along dearie,” she gave me a short nod and slammed the big heavy door behind her.

“Well this is just great.” I glanced down at the slip of paper in my hands. It was my new schedule, printed on Lakeview High School stationary. I was trying to read the tiny room numbers on the paper when I ran into somebody.  “Oh! I’m sorry.”

“Watch it kid,” he growled.  ‘Kid’ has a name, I thought. He had blond hair that brushed his eyes, and he had an aura about him. He looked like any popular kid would. At least, how I guessed they would.

“Sorry,” gosh I sounded like an idiot. “But I was wondering if you could tell me how to get to… room 435?” He nodded and pointed vaguely. It wasn’t much, but at least I had the general direction figured out. “Thanks.” I stuck out my hand. He looked at it weirdly, but then loosely shook it. “I’m Beth”

“Micheal,” he said in return. He kind of tilted his head and looked at me. “Are you a sophomore?”

~“Uh, what make you wonder?” Crap! Am I a sophomore?! I couldn’t remember what the council had told me.

“You just look, I don’t know.” He stopped.

“I’m, ah. I’m in Anne’s grade! Anne Simons?” Hopefully he knew her.

His face got this weird look in it, and he grabbed me by the arm. “You know Anne?” I nodded, afraid of what I had just gotten myself into. He dragged me down the hall and into an old crumbling classroom. It was empty, but the wet gum stuck to the whiteboard gave evidence that someone had recently been there.

“What are you doing?” I demanded. Who did this guy think he was? He pressed a finger to his lips in the universal sign of “shut up!” As soon as the big oak door clicked shut, he turned away and leaned against it.

“Talk,” he said.

“Excuse me?” I questioned. “Is that door locked?”

He ignored my question and instead asked one of his own. “You know Anne. Where is she?”

I crossed my arms. “What do you mean ‘where is she’ she goes to school here!”

He shook his head, “Not since Monday.” I mentally counted in my head because I wasn’t yet used to the human calendar system. Today was…

“It’s Friday.”

“I knew that…” It was obvious I didn’t.

“It’s weird, she showed up for a day, and then disappeared. I’ve looked all over-“ He broke off and looked at me. “Anyway, where is she?”

I don’t know, that’s why I’m here, I thought. I decided to do something I never do. I decided to lie. “She’s sick. Yep, caught the flu.”

“In the middle of September.” He was not convinced by any means.

“Yeah! It’s weird, huh!” I nodded my head quickly, and peeked at the doorknob. “So if you could just…”

“You’re one of them too, aren’t you?” I froze and looked at him like he was crazy.

“’One of them?’ Where are we, in a science-fiction movie?” He looked at me through slightly slit eyes, but then stood up straight. He pushed the knob in to unlock it, I could’ve done that, and opened the door.  He gestured with his arm.

“After you.” I stepped to the side and tried to read the number on the door.  He reached for my schedule. I unwillingly gave it to him, and he explained how to get to the sophomore wing.

We parted ways and he started walking in the opposite direction. I looked over my shoulder and called, “Thanks… Micheal.” He turned around, walked backwards for a few steps and gave a salute.

As soon as he was around the corner, I uttered a tiny, high-pitched squeal. Wait until Anne hears about this!


The rest of my day seemed so boring! The only interesting part was World History. I really enjoyed learning about how the humans really screwed everything up. The funny thing was, they still hadn’t learned!

I saw Micheal twice in the halls. It was a miracle I got to class before the bell rang, let alone have extra time to look for people. He wasn’t hard to spot though. He was slightly taller than everybody else. There was some girl that kept following him around though. She was the typical cliquey girl. Short skirt, cute hair, tank top. The works.

She was clinging to him like a leech. Just the sight made me sick, and I didn’t even know the guy! I decided something had to be done. I could tell he didn’t like her; he was just too nice to say anything.

I got the perfect chance when I saw her duck into the bathroom. I followed her in. She had her phone out, and was texting. I guess texting wasn’t allowed there, cause she jumped and went to put it away.

“Oh, it’s totally cool, It’s just me.”

She looked me up and down. “Do I know you?”

“Yeah! You know, first period science? Ugh, did you see those shoes Jessica was wearing today? They totally looked ugly on her.”

Finally, I was speaking a language she understood. “Oh, I know. And Veronica’s hair? Puh-lease, it looked like she had just rolled out of bed!” As I laughed along with her I thought, you picked a real winner Micheal.

“Soo, are you going out with Micheal?” I asked. She rolled her pretty little eyes and giggled.

“Well, it’s not official, but he totally likes me.” I nodded, like it was totally evident.

She ran her fingers through her hair, and leaned in close. “Don’t tell anyone, but we’re going ice-skating next week, and I just know he’ll ask me out then.” Don’t tell anyone, but you’re a brat.

“Be careful-“ I read her mind and found her name was Sara. “Be careful Sara, I heard he dumped Angie a week ago, over one missed date!”

“Oh… Are you serious?” I nodded.

“Yep, ten minutes late, and he just left her there. The poor girl!” I put on my best sad face. I looked over both of my shoulders and whispered, “Don’t quote me on this, but I also heard he ditched Angie, to go meet Michelle!”

Sara gasped. “That jerk!”

“Yeah… He really is.” This is too hilarious! “Someone should really tell him he’s not the angel everybody thinks he is.”Ooh, wrong choice of words…

Sara nodded resolutely and unzipped her backpack. She took out her mascara, put a fresh coat on, and zipped it back up again. “Let’s go.”

“Woah, woah, woah, let’s?”

“Yeah, aren’t you coming?”

“Uh, I think I’ll just…”

“Don’t let him intimidate you!” She smiled at me, and put her hand on my arm. “Come on, we can do this.” Crap!

She waltzed out of the bathroom like she was the queen of Sheba. The crowd seemed to part as she stepped through. She strutted right up to Micheal and looked him in the eye.

“You self-centered jerk!” I slowly melted into the crowd. They were arguing, but I couldn’t see them anymore. Suddenly, I heard a CRACK! And all the boys started ‘Oooh’ing.

Sara glided down the hallway, never looking back. As the bell rang, I peeked around the corner at Micheal. He was rubbing his cheek and scowling. He saw me, and shouted something. I quickly turned and sprinted down to my Spanish class.

This was the most fun I’d had in weeks!


Whew, okay Tori! Your turn!

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