Chapter 21 ;P Logan ;P

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Michael, Jake, Max, and I waited patiently for thirty minutes while Beth and Anne took care of the wounds. I was scared out of my mind about what was happening to Anne. I was also worried about Jake and how he was coping without Carl. And to add onto all my worrying and frights, I couldn't speak. My voice was gone. Not gone like a cold gone, but gone - gone. I couldn't make any sound come out at all. I didn't know what was going on. Telling Max would just add on to his worries, and I couldn't do that to him.

"Logan?" Jake whispered. "Are you doing okay? Can you stand yet?"

I nodded my head to all three questions. Max carefully placed me on my feet and held my arm to help me with my balance. As soon as I put all my weight on my feet, I almost passed out again. Max caught me before I could hit the floor.

"Maybe you should just stick to me carrying you until we're positive you can walk." Max attempted to smile. I smiled back and nodded my head. "Aren't you ever going to speak?"

I let my smile drop and tears formed in my eyes. The three guys looked confused at me as I shook my head.

"You mean you don't want to speak?" Max asked. There was worry and fright in his voice, though he tried not to let me hear it. "You're joking, right? You just lost it like, when you have a cold, right?"

I shook my head and held back tears. I hated seeing Max worried.

"You can't speak at all?" Jake exclaims just as Anne and Beth walk in.

The four of us all turn to see Anne looking as if nothing had ever happened to her. If anything, she looks prettier. Her face looks as perfect as ever, and she's wearing a baggy sweatshirt to cover the knife wound.

"Wow..." Michael whispers. "You look... wow..." We all stare at him and he blushes slightly and scratches the back of his head. I looked back at Anne just in time to see her roll her eyes.

Beth ignored Michaels admiring of the job she did on Anne and cut straight to the chase. "Who can't speak?"

"Logan lost her voice completely." Max whispers. “She can’t talk at all.”

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