Chapter 14 (O.o) Carl (O.o)

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As Jake explained to Logan what happened, I knelt down next to Anne. I looked at her. She looked near death. What am I gonna do? I wondered. I put a hand on her forehead. Ok, Night. It’s up to you. Can you do it? He assured me that he could. I let him out of me and let him heal her. His spirit was inside her now and was fixing anything he thought was wrong. Her ribs popped back into place, the cuts slowly melded together, and she began to awaken. 

I suddenly felt an anger come over me. If she would have just listened, none of this had happened. I touched her forehead and let Night back in me. Anne opened her eyes.

I glared down at her. “Isn’t it enough that we are now considered traitors by our kind and family? Now, the ones that we decided to leave our kind for, refuses us too. So what was the point? Coming to the good side just got us shut out of both sides. The demons will no longer accept us, and now, apparently, neither will the angels. We have information, we know about the headquarters and the bases.”

I paused. “We even tried to save the girl in your locket, and yet we still can’t be trusted?” I was so angry, that I morphed and dashed away. I could hear Jake calling my name, but I didn’t stop. I just ran and ran and ran.

I morphed back into my human form and walked alone, it now was raining, and I felt the water trickle down my back and I shook my head, my blonde hair soaked. 

I suddenly crashed into the wall, as if pulled by an invisible force. I couldn’t see what it was because my vision went black...

I woke in a cell. It was dark and moist. I was still in my street clothes, which now held crimson marks from the events of that day. Or the last day I could remember. It could have been two days, maybe more. 

The cell door opened and a man walked in. He was tall and had a thin face. His dark eyes looked me up and down. He said nothing but instead threw clothes at me. 

I looked up at him and understood what I was to do. I quickly threw on the new clothes and followed the odd man out. We passed other cells and I saw faces peering out at me. 

We walked into a large room. The carpet was blood red and there was a desk and chair. The man sitting in the chair was none other than...

“Zeke?” I gasped. “But you were—“

“Dead?” He laughed. “Sorry, but you can’t get rid of me that easily.” He then leaned forward. “You are now a resident of the Secret Headquarters. Even the Demon Ranks don’t know about us.” 

“You’re not with the Demons?” I asked, confused. 

Zeke laughed again. “I’m not an angel either. You see, if I can use the prisoners here, I can eventually take over the Demon ranks, then the Angels and even the humans.” He winked. “Enjoy your stay.”

My head was spinning, when I was dragged out of the room and into a new cell.

I jumped foreword and let out a scream. “You’ll never use me! You hear me? NEVER!!!!!”

I sat down, hope leaving me faster than I could ever known possible. 

“They’ll break you eventually.” Said a voice from the darkness. “They’ll find a way, whether it’s your family, friends, or even bribery, but they will break you.” 

I turned. “Who’s there?”

A boy stepped out of the shadows. He looked my age and had dark black hair and deep brown eyes that held more sadness than I had ever seen.

“The name’s Luke.” He said. “I’ve been here since I was ten. I vowed that they would never break me. I only watched one family member suffer before I was begging to do as they asked.”

I shook my head. “How’d you get here?” 

“They same way all of us got here.” He shrugged.

“Kidnapped.” I had to say the word out loud. It just made it even uglier.

My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I saw more kids in one place than I had ever imagined possible.

I stood in front of Zeke. “What do you want?” I asked.

Zeke nodded to the same man who so warmly welcomed me to this prison, and the man (he was called Dast, by the way) pushed a prisoner in front of him. The young boy looked up at me with scared eyes. “This boy tried to steal extra food.” Zeke said calmly. “Punish him. Let your spirit loose.”

I scowled. “No!”

Zeke pointed his hand at me and felt his surge hit me. I fell to the ground, not able to breathe. He was much too powerful to have been killed so easily back in California. 

“Now!” Zeke yelled at me.

I was forced to do that every day since I was brought there. Every time I resisted, I was punished. I knew that I was slowly being broken. Every day I would miss a meal, because I resisted. I wasn’t able to resist anymore. I lifted my hand, and let Night out. The boy screamed and fell to the ground himself. 

Zeke grinned. Then Dast carried me out of the room, leaving the boy sobbing on the floor. 

When I was back in my room, I was allowed to eat my first meal in a while. I didn’t care that it probably wasn’t edible, I ate it anyway. 

Luke came and sat with me. “They broke you, didn’t they.”

I nodded.

Luke ran his hand through his hair. “Oh, man. I know this isn’t right, but there’s nothing we can do.” Luke sighed again and looked me in the eye. “It won’t be long before he trusts you with the harder missions.”

I groaned. How I wished I hadn’t stormed off that one day. The time when life was good, I had friends, and I was helping the good side for the first time ever. I sighed. Now I was here, a prisoner in a nightmare.

Luke and I left the cafeteria, and headed over to the gym. Luckily, there was one on our floor. When we went in, there were already a few kids in there, but they mostly kept to themselves. My blonde hair was getting in my eyes and I knew I would need to cut it soon. 

Luke and I worked out for a little bit before the alarm rang for showers. Luke and I hurried to the showers, where we were sprayed with cold water and were given clean clothes. Then we headed up the stairs to our cell. 

I laid in my cot and Luke laid in the one next to me. I remember thinking the first night, that if I turned into Night, I could slip away. That was before I saw the dogs. Three headed dogs that were as tall as a grown man and could see shadows. They could see and smell anything and anyone. They patrolled every night. 

I stared at the ceiling. I knew that Luke had given up getting out a long time ago, but I still clung on to a strand of hope. 

I thought of new escape routes until I drifted to sleep.

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