Chapter 22 (O.o) Jake (O.o)

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Things weren't looking good. Anne, Max and everyone else had taken Logan out through a window. I was about to follow after them when the door cracked open. I quickly dropped out of the window, but still held onto the sill and peeked into the room. One of the employees had opened the door. She took one look at the bloodied sheets and screamed. 

Uh oh. I thought. That's my cue. I dropped down and followed after my friends. We all sat in a small alley. I looked from one person to the other. Anne and Beth, beautiful and perfect, Micheal, tall and the type of guy that girls flock to, Logan, quiet and shy, and Max, smiling and goofy. Then of course there is Carl and I.  


Where could he be? He was my best friend. The one who had stuck by my side when things got tough, but where was I when he needed me most? I had failed. After all, he was more than just a friend, but family now.

I ran my hand through my dark brown hair. I was aware that my strength was low from searching every night. I wasn't sure how much longer I could do it.

As I watched, the group seemed to split in two. Beth, Micheal, and Anne all flocking together, while Max never left Logan's side. He kept asking her if she was ok, and she kept trying to silently assure him.

I smiled to myself, thinking of Carl's crush on Logan.  

I made a quick morph and flew up to the top of the building we had crashed by. I morphed back to my human form and absentmindedly snatched a few bolts, levers and other random parts out of my pocket. I began tinkering with them, thinking. 

If Carl was kidnapped, then who could have done it? After all, Zeke was dead, right? Carl could have easily taken on any other demon and at least have gotten away.

Did he find something? No, that couldn't be. He would have told us. 

Still tinkering with the pieces of metal, I switched topics.

Why did Beth come here and where did she come from? Was she going to be a typical Angel, and never trust me? How did she just happen to come when Anne needed her most? 

I switched again.

What about the lady that entered Anne's apartment? She would call the police of course, but when the police investigated, would they find evidence of the person who attacked Anne? What if the man (Or woman) covered the tracks so completely that they only found evidence of us? Either way, the police would be after someone too, either with us, or against us. Things would be different, but could we still find the one who attacked Anne, and find Carl? 

There was too many questions and I didn't have enough answers. I laid back and looked at the sky.


No action, just thoughts for this one... I thought that if I could put down MY thoughts on this page, maybe I could put something together that I hadn't noticed before, but....

I dunno...


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