Chapter 12 ;P Max ;P

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I looked over at Logan fast enough to see her fall to the ground, clutching her stomach. Crap! I sprinted back to her and kneeled next to her. She was unconscious. Double Crap! Not knowing what else to do, I picked  her light body up off the ground. I kept walking to the end of the alley. Even though I knew it was stupid, I walked until I thought I saw Carl. He was in his shadow form, and lying on the ground. Oh no.

“Carl!” I carefully set Logan down on a bus bench and run over to Carl. When I get to him, he solidifies back into himself. I checked his pulse and grew pale as I realized how slow it was. “Carl! Are you okay?! What happened to you!?”

“I’ll be fine...” I hear Carl whisper. “You need to help... Anne and... Jake...” I helped him onto his feet and pretty much carried him over to Logan. He sat down next to her and stared up at me, with thanks in his eyes.

“I don’t know what happened to her. We were running here and she doubled over and blacked out.” I replied. “When she wakes up, don’t let her go anywhere, please.” Carl nodded in agreement and I sprinted further down the tunnel. I heard a loud racket from around the corner. Pausing briefly, I continued walking. I peered around the corner and stopped dead in my tracks.

Directly in front of me is a huge, bony dragon about finish Jake off. I looked on the ground next to him and see Anne lying sprawled out on the sidewalk in a small pool of blood. I knew that I needed to do something to help.

“Hey!” I screeched without actually having a plan. The dragon thing paused and stared at me. I moved a few feet so I was in his complete view. 

This is suicide. I reminded myself. Well, it’s too late now. The dragon released Jake from his claws and advanced towards me. I felt my spirit start yearning to come out. I held it back, waiting for the right moment to release it. The dragon stopped about twenty feet away from me.

“Do you really want to die?” It roared, “Are you really stupid enough to do that?” He gave me a mocking look and laughed. “Do you even know who I am?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know!” Just pretend to be confident. I told myself.

“I don’t need to be in my spirit form in order to kill you,” the dragon shifted back into his human form and laughed when he saw my shocked face. “Hi there, Max.” He spat out my name as if it was venom. “I’ll bet you didn’t know it was me in there, did you? Well, here I am.”

“What is wrong with you?” I yelled back at him. “Do you seriously plan on killing all of us? You don’t think that somebody will eventually be strong enough to take you down, do you?”

He flashed a stupid cocky smile at me before he charged. I released my spirit. Before Josh noticed what I just did, I swiped him across the head and knocked him down on to the concrete.

His head slammed down hard, and I flinched when I heard the terrible cracking sound.  That was not supposed to happen.

“Max!” Jake exclaimed weakly. “You just killed Zeke! Or, I mean Josh...”

I didn’t reply. The sight of Josh lying on the cement –dead--   was overwhelming. I just killed him. I just killed someone... something… “Max?”

“Jake, what did I just do?” I whispered. I finally looked away from the body. The tears of guilt formed in my eyes, and I changed into my human form.

“Max, it’s okay.” Jake tried to persuade me, but I knew it wasn’t. I need to help Anne before I can think about what I just did.

“What happened to Anne?” I ask as I walk over to her. She’s not moving at all. She looks badly beaten too. “She’s not... dead... is she?”

“I... I don’t know.” Jake stuttered. I took her pulse to see if there was one.

“There’s barely a heartbeat,” I looked up at Jake. “We need to get her help, now.” I picked her up as gently as possible. She was freakishly light, even lighter than Logan, who was a lot smaller than Anne.

Jake limped back with me to the bench with Logan and Carl. Carl looked a lot better, but Logan was still passed out. Her head was now resting on Carl’s lap. Jake smirked at the sight, but once he realized that Logan wasn’t just sleeping, his smile transformed into worry.

“What do we do?” Carl asked, worried. “She hasn’t woken up yet.” Carl carefully got up from the bench and walked over to me. I placed Anne in his arms and tell him to be really careful with her. My shirt has a blotch of red where Anne was pressed against me. Her wings were still out, and one was bent at a disgustingly wrong angle. I realize too late that we probably shouldn’t have moved her.

I sat down next to Logan in Carl’s place. Her usual rosy cheeks were drained from color. I didn’t know what to do other than try to wake her by talking to her. “Logan, I don’t know if you can hear me, but can you please wake up? I really need you now, everybody does. I don’t know what to do... There are so many terrible things that just happened...” I paused as I pictured Josh’s dead body in my mind. I remembered how Logan had used her mind earlier to see pictures of Jake’s history. Will it work when she’s asleep?

I thought of everything that had happened that day and bent down. I placed my forehead against hers.

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