Chapter 25 ;P Logan ;P

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"Logan?" I sat up on my couch. Was that Beth? It was too dark to tell. "Logan?" I try to respond. Still no voice. What was wrong? "Right... No voice. I'll turn on the light dimly so we can talk."

Talk about what? I wondered. I heard shuffling on the other side of the room and then all of a sudden there was a soft glow. I saw Beth walking back to her bed next to Anne's. Anne was looking about a hundred times better as she sat up in her bed.

"So, Logan," Beth smiled. "I think it’s obvious Max likes you. You were so cute today!"

I felt my face turn bright red.

“I mean he's always trying to protect you. The way he was holding your hand today," Beth explained it like it was something so clear to understand. "He would do anything for you, you two are so cute together!"

I looked at Anne, unsure how to react to that. She smiled at me, "I agree with Beth." Thanks for the help...

"So, when will you tell him you like him?" Beth asked. She had a small grin on her face. "You should tell him tomorrow!"

"Beth, speaking of boys... Michael..." Anne smiled. I sent her a grateful look for changing the subject.

Even after everything that happened today, we are still talking about boys. Wow.

"He's pretty attractive, I'll admit that." Beth giggled. I had never imagined either of these two girls as the kind to talk about boys. Even Michael, who was pretty dang adorable...

"Do you like him?" Anne asked. Maybe I was just imagining the edge to her voice.

"Yes, I guess..." Beth whispered. "But I'm not sure I guess..." 

I attempted a groan, but got frustrated when it didn't come out, so I fell back onto my pillow and pulled my blanket over my head. Soon I was asleep, playing back everything that happened today...

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