Chapter 26 (O.o) Carl (O.o)

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  • Dedicated to Adam "Carl's

I didn't do much anymore. What was the point of living if I had no demon? I was just going to rot in this prison anyways. All the days started fading together, and I couldn't tell how many days I had been locked up.

I could tell that Luke was worried. He would give me small side glances now and then, but didn't talk to me as much.

I sat on the third floor in front of my cell, dangling my legs over the edge. I rested my head against the bars and gazed down at the courtyard. 

The prison was a circular shape and that was where the courtyard was. The spiral staircases led to each floor. Each floor circled around the wall, where all the cells were found. There was five floors but technically the first floor was used by the courtyard, the gym and the cafeteria. Along with the laundry room and the kitchen.

I sighed and let my head drop as I heard footsteps approaching me. It was Luke. 

He plopped down next to me. We sat in silence, but he finally spoke.

"I think I found a way out."

I didn't react.

He stared at me. "Did you hear me?" He dropped his voice. "I found a way to escape!"

Again, I didn't move. His voice sounded far away, as if in a dream.

Luke turned and grabbed my shirt, picking me up onto my feet. I stabled myself, by holding myself onto the railing.

"Get a hold of yourself!" Luke yelled in my face. Then he did what I never believed he would do.

He punched me.

I fell to the ground. It hurt. It did wake me up though. I looked back up at him, clutching my stinging jaw.

"While you have been here moping around, I have been getting things done." Luke had lost his temper. His face grew red in frustration. "I have met and befriended every kid in this prison. I have discovered a way that we can sneak out and find information!"

I pulled myself to my feet, but Luke just pushed me back down again.

He yelled again. "Zeke sent me on a mission the other day. I was sent to attack some enemies of Zeke. We, a few other kids and I, threw poisoned knives at them. They fled so we chased them, but then one came back to fight us. He was sacrificing his life for his friends. That's when I realized who it was."

He paused for affect.

"It was your friend, Jake. I called off the attack and we talked. Your friends are alive and they aren't giving up, so neither should you!"

He advanced on me.

"Who cares if Night is gone? You are just as strong without him! Look around you! There are kids here that are weak and helpless. If we don't stand for them, who will?"

This time he held out his hand to me. I took it and was hoisted to my feet.

I looked down at the courtyard at all of the kids. They needed us.

"So," Luke asked hesitantly. "You still with me?"

I was no longer the laid back Carl that everyone knew. I was going to take charge.

I turned. "Where is this exit?"

Luke got the biggest grin on his face. Then he led the way.

"Wait, what?" I gasped.

I was shocked. Luke's route was a small air vent.

Soon enough we were crawling through it, trying not to make too much noise. When we popped out, we were in a hallway with light colored carpet and small lamp-like lights on the wall. We were definitely not in the prison anymore. 

We ducked around a corner as two men walked by.

"So, how it works around here, Jorge." I smirked slightly at the name, but listened as the taller man talked. "There are four quads to the prison. The first quad is the on that is right beneath us. The second quad beneath that one and so on. As kids become more dangerous, or do something that Zeke doesn't like, they are sent down a quad, where the living conditions are slightly worse than the one before." The tall man snapped his fingers. "You still with me?"

The shorter, plump man, Jorge, quickly nodded.

The taller man continued. As he talked, Luke and I followed silently at a safe distance. "There is one more place that they keep prisoners. The Hole. I don't know much about it, but few get sent there so..."

Luke and I stopped trailing the two guards. So the prison was underground! That was new. And what about this hole?

Luke and I slipped through another hallway, on the lookout for any guards or hiding places in which to hide.

We heard voices around the corner. Luke and I both came to a stop and listened.

"Well done." A man's voice. Probably Zeke's.

"Thanks, and since when have I not done a good job?" Joked the other voice. A teenage boy. He was probably 18 or so. 

"You don't want me to answer that." Replied Zeke. "Anyways, have they discovered you yet?"

"No way. They don't suspect a thing."

"Good, good."

"How long do you want me to stay with them?"

"Until they get pulled into our trap. Then you will have your reward."

I couldn't stand it any longer. I peeked around the corner. I could hear Luke give a warning nudge, but he too, looked around the wall.

"No." I whispered. I knew that I had recognized that voice, I knew it!

I crouched low to the ground. I trembled. I wanted to morph so bad and rip him to shreds. But I couldn't. Still.

Luke could though, and he sensed my anxiety, so without warning, he morphed and dove foreword. I also dashed out from behind and, while Luke went for Zeke, I jumped onto the teenager.

It was Michael. 

I landed a punch in his gut and when he bent over, gave him an uppercut to the face.

I felt two strong hands grab onto my sides. Luke had fallen to the ground, a small dart sticking out of his side.

I struggled, my blood running hot, wanting to hurt, no murder, Michael so badly.

I kicked out, nailing him between the legs. He gave out a small squeak and fell to the ground, before I was yanked back.

"Take them to quad 2" ordered Zeke.

I couldn't hold it in. "YOU TRAITOR! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!?!?!" I screamed as I was dragged away to Quad 2.

Let's get the party started in here.

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