Chapter 11 ;P Logan ;P

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"When will Carl be back?" I asked nervously. He had been gone for way too long. I stole a quick glance back down the alley. Jake had been helping Max with their demon thing. Who would have thought that I was actually part angel? And Max part demon!?

"I don't know," Jake finally replies, walking up next to me. I look over and see that he has worry in his eyes.

“You don’t think he ran into Josh, do you?” I asked. Jake tensed, but didn’t reply.

I started walking towards the alley. Carl should be back by now. There has to be something wrong. Before I could get far, Jake grabbed my wrist and twisted me around to face him.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” Jake exclaimed. “If Carl is up against Josh, you would have no chance to come out alive if you fought him. He’s a demon, Logan! He is strong, and he won’t think twice about killing you. Even if you are half angel. I’ll go see where Carl is. You stay here with Max.”

I stared up at Jake defiantly, then turned around and stomped back to Max. When I look back at Jake, he wasn’t there. I only saw a griffin running down the alley.

“What just happened?” Max asked from behind me. “Why was Jake yelling at you?”

“He doesn’t think I’ll come back alive if I go try to see whether Carl is still alive or not.” I turned to Max. He had switched back into his human form. An idea forms in my mind. “Josh doesn’t know that you’re a demon.”

“Yeah, so?” I smiled an almost evil smile. Max’s face went pale as he caught on to my idea. “Logan, no.”

“Come on,” I whined. “You can just go see where everybody else is. If Josh sees you, then you can turn into your werewolf and—“

“Logan. No.” Max said sternly. I sulked. There was no changing his mind now.

Max sat on the curb. I stayed standing and stared back at the alley. Where are they? Anne couldn’t have gotten far enough away that it would take this long for them. I told myself. There has to be something wrong.

“Max, I’m going to go find them.” I didn’t wait to see what he had to say before I ran towards the alley. Soon I heard footsteps behind me. “Thanks for joining me.”

“If you get us killed, I’m going to kill you.” Max muttered. I smiled, glad that he was on my side.

My stomach started feeling uneasy as we neared the end of the alley. I slowed down to a stop about fifty yards away from the end. Max stopped and stared back at me.

“What’s wrong, Logan? You were so set on going to see what was wrong, now you look like you want to turn around and puke.”

In truth, that’s exactly what I wanted to do. “We can’t stop now. Now you have me all worked up. I’ll carry you if you won’t walk.” He smiled at me. “And you know I will.”

I nodded my head, agreeing with him. I kept walking, but the feeling grew stronger with each step. I stopped again and doubled over. I don’t know what happened next because all I saw was black.

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