Chapter 17 (O.o) (Jake) (O.o)

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  • Dedicated to Kyra

I looked into the night sky and felt my hope die more and more. "Carl!" I called. "Carl where are you?" I listened and I listened, but there was no answer. I searched all over town, looking for any sign of Carl. I had searched and searched for a single sign of him. I jumped towards anyone with green eyes or blonde hair. I began to grow desperate and I didn’t think I could hold up for much longer.

The moon was setting and the sun rising, so I jumped up and ran back to the ally I was staying in.           

I changed clothes and got ready for school. Another night with no sleep. 

When I walked into the school, I knew that something was different.

An angel.

At lunch I asked if Anne was back. No one had seen her, but I knew there was an angel in the school. 

While walking to my last period class, I spotted Michael and saw that he was Sara-less. Instead a new girl was talking with him. I waved to Michael and he stared at me with those intense eyes. He motioned to meet after school, and then I slipped into my class.

I made it through the worst class in the world (but I admit, I may have grabbed a few 'Z's. My science teacher was an idiot and didn't care.) and then raced out to find Michael. He was standing next to the door. I spotted Logan and Max and motioned them over.

"Hey Michael." I said, eyeing the girl he was standing with. "Who is this?"

Michael looked at the brown haired girl. "This is Beth. She knows Anne."

I gasped. Then I looked closely at her. "You're an angel?"

Logan and Max fixed her with a stare. She didn’t answer, but she didn’t have to.

I turned. "Come on guys. Let's take Beth to Anne. Anne can explain things better than I can." I was well aware of the circles under my eyes and I knew that people were whispering about me. I took a few steps and stumbled. I caught myself, and kept leading the way to Anne's apartment.

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