Chapter 2 <3 Anne <3

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Stupid, terrible, stinky, wet forest! I rubbed my sleep-filled eyes. I had been up three days straight and there was still no sign of Tamara.Oh please let her be okay, please! I was heart-broken when my A.T. (Angel in Training) had been captured by the Others. I knew how slim the chances were for her, but I was determined. Pushing more and more dark green odorous leaves out of the way, I continued searching. 

This was a terrible place. A place full of death and decay. Of course, the Others just HAD to pick an almost inaccessible spot for their hideout. I was tired of searching, but determined to not give up until I for sure knew the worst had happened. As fate would have it, I didn't have long to wait. 

It came suddenly, just a small shiver at first, but then my whole body trembled as ice-cold blood tore through my veins. I was sent to the ground, shaking. It was a terrible feeling I had only experienced a few times before. An angel had died. 

I knew who it was instantly. If a whole band of angels had been slaughtered the cold numbness would've been much worse. No, this was a single angel. A small angel. Tamara.

The freezing feeling passed after a short while, and angels from my search party began to stand up, exhausted. I managed to get to my hands and knees, only to collapse in tears. Tamara was gone. My AT for five years was dead. The tears were flowing like mad now. I couldnt bear the other angels stares of pity so I went to the only place I felt safe. The only place I felt I really belonged. I took to the skies.

Up, up, up I flew leaving it all behind. Vines and branches whipped my face as I went higher. I had to escape and get out of the suffocating jungle.  As I burst out of the trees I took a giant gulp of air. Up here the air was cool and thin. I loved it.

Still taking giant breaths, it sank in. You wikk never see Tamara agian. Fresh tears starter flowing again. I simply hovered in the air and burried my face in my hands. Everything was all too clear at this height.

Suddenly I saw a familiar form flying up towars me. I squinted through my tears then exclaimed, "Oh Beth!" As soon as my best friend was at an even height with me she held out her arms. I flew towards her and started wailing. We just hovered there for a moment. Each of us greiving for the young angel.

"Oh Beth, it's all my fault!" I cried. She shook her perfect little head and tried to convince me that it wasn't but I knew the truth.Tamara's death was all my fault.

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"And that is how not to cirlce, T!" I laughed. Tamara was staggering around like a drunk human.  

"I'm... dizzy!" she giggled.  

"I'll bet! Hey, why don't we lay off the training for a little while, 'kay?" She nodded eagerly in agreement. 

"So... what'cha wanna do?" she asked in her sweet innocent voice. I shrugged. "Wanna just fly for a while?" 

"Great idea!" All the other angels looked down on me, because they didn't think I was training Tamara properly.  I always told them thet I was training her to make decisions for herself, but they never listened.

Pretty soon we were up in the air, flying in the clouds. We were laughing about some stupid joke I had just told, when I noticed something wasn't right. 

"Hey T, wait up a minute!" I called. She gazed back at me, her almost black eyes playful. 

"Catch me if you can!" she giggled. 

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