Chapter 10 <3 Anne<3

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"You're right. I don't believe you," I said, dropping Carl. "And do you know why?" He stumbled, then caught himself. Then he slowly shook his head. "Because you're a demon. And demons lie, and they hate, and they kill." With every word I pushed his shoulder harder and harder until he was up against a nearby wall. "I might've saved you and you're buddy's butt before, but don't think for a second, that I'll do it again." 

And with that, I walked away. I just walked away, because If I stayed, I would end up doing something stupid I would regret later. Like, killing somebody for instance. 

As I walked around the corner, I ran into someone. A very tall someone. "Well hey there, beautiful," Josh crooned. I reached up to slap him, but he had reflexes like lightning, and he caught my arm halfway to his face. "Aw now, come on precious, no need to get--"

"I don't wanna hear it Josh. Just let me go." Any normal human would've been terrified, even a jerk like Josh, because my voice was layered with hate. After you become really good at sending mind messages, you can eventually send them while speaking. This one obviously said: leave me alone.

So you see, there was one problem, this was no ordinary human. I knew it as soon as I touched him. He had a spirit inside him. He was a demon. 

Cursing myself, I tried to regroup, tried to come up with a plan. Nothing was coming. Josh's smile grew wide and vicious. It made me sick just looking at him. His eyes were like ice, cold and almost sightless. 

Then suddenly, I knew. I realized what should've been apparent all along. This is one of the demons who killed Tamara. Anger boiled up inside me. This demon would not live to see tomorrow, as long as I was breathing. 

I jerked my arm free and crouched down, rolling through his legs. He gave an almost inhuman roar and whirled around. I didn't have any weapons on me, because I had of course, been at school. I was still crouching in  a Spider-man like position when Josh grabbed my shirt and pulled me up close. I could smell his putrid breath, and he whispered, "We can do this the hard way, or the easy way. I strongly recommend the easy way. "

"Never." Throwing me to the ground, he smirked and bowed his head. At first, I had no idea what he was doing. About two seconds after that, I started running.

Josh had morphed into this huge, ugly, scaly dragon, complete with wings! I knew I could never get away on foot, so I opened my wings, and flew for the first time in what felt like years. I didn't have long to enjoy it though, because Josh was gaining fast. 

I tried doing all the fancy get-away maneuvers they taught in flight school. Yeah, didn't quite work out as planned. Josh was just too fast, and too big. 

Before I knew it, he was right above me, His blue eyes taunting me. At that point, I knew I would Die. I also knew Josh was enjoying this, as much as he had enjoyed Tamara's death. 

He reached out with one knife-sharp talon and scraped it along my back, making me scream and lose a considerable amount of altitude. He had severely damaged my right wing, and I was going down. 

Right before my toes started brushing buildings, he grabbed me in his claws and squeezed. The breath was forced out of my lungs, and I heard several cracks. He was crushing my bones. Killing me from the inside-out. 

My life was draining fast, and Josh knew it too. He became careless, even tossing me back and forth between his claws. At that point, I was his toy. Just some battered, crushed, broken toy.      The last thing I saw of earth, was the beginning of a green forest, with patches of tall, green grass in between. How nice would it be, to lie down there. And just, fall asleep...


**Well Jaiden, you said you wanted a chance to kill off Jake, well, if you REALLY want to, I guess I gave you the perfect importunity.**

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