Numb From Positive Feelings

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Numb. That's all I feel is numb. My face is numb from the hot liquid that pours out of my eyes. My hands are numb from punching his hard skull in. I see the blood as it cascading down my knuckles, but I cannot feel it. I look down at him with utter anger. His forehead was bleeding horribly. I see his eyes barely open as I watch the same crimson liquid that was on my hands start to trickle down into his eyes. I feel nothing, but the negative feelings that were bubbling inside my head. It's like magma about to irrupt from a volcano. He attempted to stand up, moving his shaky hands and feet. It made me sick that my anger got the best of me. I walked up to him and kicked him in the stomach. He screamed in agony and fell back down. I then spat on his face and left him alone, in the alley, on the cool hard concrete.

"Is it done?" He asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What? Oh.. Yes, it's done," I said looking up at him with a half smile.

"So you taught 'it' a lesson?" He asked laughing as he drowned himself in his beer.

"Oh, yes and 'it' got the message crystal clear," I said as that statement made the old man laugh more.

"Good man, we need to keep those scumbags off the street," he said standing up and starting to stare out the window,"If the cops aren't keeping those bastards off the streets then goddamn we will. I cannot believe they made that legal..."

He stood up and went to the fridge to fetch more beer. Once he obtains it, he slapped on the table, right in front of my face. The sudden jolt of the table caught me off guard, once he saw I was stunned by this he laughed heartily. I just stayed silent as I watch the old man down his third beer. All I can think about is the boy's face as he stared up at me. I felt this pain in my chest every time I look back at that moment. Only that's what I have to do I have to keep them off the streets, that's what dad told me to do and that's God wants me to do.

"Nash," dad said startling me,"Look out there."

I stood up from the table and peered through the curtains to see a boy walking down the street. I couldn't tell who it was, since it was dark. Only what I did see, out of the corner of my eye, is a vein popping out of my father's head. He was angry, so angry in fact, that he slammed his fist on the windowsill. He saw me staring at him and smirked.

"You know Cameron that guy you've been hanging out with?" He asked which made me feel uneasy.

"Y-Yes sir," I said shaking my head quickly.

He put his arm around me and pulled me close. I can smell the intoxicating beer that was stained on his breath that I almost made me gag.

"Well, that's the boy outside. Plus, word on the street is that he just came out as a flamboyant cocksucker," he said as he laughs mockingly,"So here's what I want you to do; tomorrow night, I want you to teach that 'thing' a lesson and for this one, don't stop until his gayness is all over the payment. Understand?"

That statement was so dark, he doesn't actually want me to.. No, he can't be serious, but on the look on his face, he looked pretty serious. I nodded as I proceeded to look terrified. Since I didn't answer him with a 'yes sir' he became more angry. He slapped me across the face. The force was so great that his slap made me fall to the floor. I held my jaw and looked up at him as I try to hold back the tears. Since real men don't cry.

"Are you trying to say that you want that cocksucker to live?" He asked furiously,"Do you want him to pollute our streets with more of him?"

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