Insane (Mater)

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You wish you can go back
You wish there was a way to fix it
Like a movie you replay your flashbacks
Like broken glass, impossible to repair
You try to mend what you broke with your tool kit
You pretend it did not happen, but you are aware

Matt wrote the poem in his notebook until he was interrupted, but hear his door being to open. Behind the door was two men dressed in white. They both hesitantly stepped into the room, standing close to the door, just in case. Matt looked up at them with a grin, giggling a little, mocking their fear of him. Matt just stares at them with his dark eyes. His eyes use to be filled with so much life, only now there is nothing but bitter darkness that lies behind those eyes. The two strong men move a little closer and closer to frail-looking boy. One of them leaned down to Matt's level, he grins attempting to hide his fear.

"Okay Matthew, it's time to take your medicine," he said politely then when to take Matt's hand.

"Touch me and see what happens," Matt said coarsely,"I will bit your fucking head off

"B-But Matthew," the other guard said crouching down next down to the first guard,"You have to take the medicine."

The second guard reached his hand down to touch Matt. Big mistake. Matt's pupil became smaller and he attack the guard like a tiger. He jumps on the guard, scratching him with his long nails, then punching him, and biting him. He bite him so hard on the arm that if drew blood. The first guard sat there petrified as his partner is being ripped apart. Finally the first guard stands up and run out of the room, calling nurses and other guards to help. So for about another five minutes the second guard was being ripped apart by Matt.

"Oh please God!" He screams in agony.

Matt stops and smiled down on him.

"What God, there is no god," Matt whispers in the guard's ear,"You will die and never remembered."

Just then about five people came into the small room. They were closing in on Matt. He growled and attack another guard, making a run for the exit. Only someone caught him, before he could set foot out of his room. They stuck a needle in him, and he was immediately calm. He begins to fall asleep, all he saw before he blacks out is the utter chaos and pain he caused only that is a fraction of he feels inside. You see, Matthew was normal, he had a normal family, he went to a normal school, and he had a normal life in general.

About three years ago, Matt was finishing his senior with straight A's and a soccer scholarship to Princeton. He had an internet best friend that made him turn his life around from struggling at life to kicking life's butt. Matt would talk to him everyday until the late hours of the night. Matt felt complete, like he was whole again. He constantly would draw portraits of the person, making sure he made it perfectly. He wanted to capture every detail of their beauty. Every time, they would talk, he would just dream of one day meeting them. He was to hold their hand, hold them close, and never let them let them go.

"So how was your day?" The person said.

Matt gave them a look, which made the person giggle.

"That bad huh," the person said which made Matt laugh.

"My school fucking sucks, I was literally waiting all day for you to answer," Matt said.

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