Chapter Forty Six

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"Why can't we just stay like this forever?"

"Lauren, I'm so scared," Camila said, turning to face her girlfriend with new tears already filling her eyes. It was Christmas eve and the day of Sofi's funeral. The two Latinas were getting ready in their hotel room and Camila kept trying to come up with different excuses to get out of it.

"I know baby," Lauren said, pulling Camila into a tight hug. "But I'm here, don't forget that," The older girl reassured Camila. The brown eyed girl took a deep breath and wiped beneath her eyes. Camila straightened her outfit which was a simple black knee length dress with light floral patterns in lace and kitten heel shoes as she knew they would be walking walking lot.

Lauren also wore a very simple black dress, skin tone tights and ankle boots.

"We'll be leaving in about twenty minutes so let's have a hot chocolate here and then we'll go. Is that okay?" Lauren asked, walking over to the phone. "Hey Haiz! Can we just get two large hot chocolates and tell them not to hold back with the marshmallows," Lauren laughed lightly.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door and Hailee stood there with two large mugs filled with hot chocolate and a bowl overflowing with marshmallows.

"Thank you," Lauren smiled appreciatively, taking hold of the tray. Hailee looked at Lauren's attire and then at Camila's and the expression on her face fell.

"Are you- are you going to the funeral for that little girl?" Hailee asked tentatively. Lauren slowly nodded, glancing back at Camila who had walked towards the balcony. "How do you know her?" Hailee asked.

"She is- was Camz's little sister," Lauren said quietly, placing the tray on the cupboard. Hailee put one hand over her mouth and gasped.

"She was a little ray of sunshine. She would sometimes stop by and sit in the reception just talking happily to me about her friends or doing her homework. She did once mention her older sister named... Kaki, I think," Hailee murmured, trying to recall.

"That was her nickname for Camila," Lauren explained.

"Oh. I am so sorry for your loss. My condolences," Hailee said before turning away and heading toward the elevator.

"It should've been me hearing about her friends. It should've been me helping her with her schoolwork," Camila whispered to herself, collapsing on the bed as a fresh set of tears flew over her.

"I know baby but you still have all of your other memories to cherish," Lauren said, pulling the younger girl onto her lap.

"Sometimes, when I close my eyes," Camila paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I sometimes see her. And she's so beautiful Lo. Her hair is glowing and her eyes are shining and she has butterfly wings and a crown. If I close my eyes really tight and silence out the world around me, we sometimes have conversations and I forget how much I've missed her laugh," Camila's voice break when she tried to push out the last words. "My little butterfly princess," Camila whispered, holding tightly onto Lauren as violent sobs took over her body.

"Que puede hacerlo bebé, usted puede llorar," Lauren spoke in a quiet tone, drawing circles with her thumb on the palm of the brown eyed girls hand. Slowly, Camila began to regulate her breaths and the tears ceased.

"Drink up then we'll go," Lauren said, handing the mug of hot chocolate to Camila and placing the bowl of marshmallows in between the two of them. Camila stayed silent when they were drinking the hot chocolate, speaking up once she had finished.

"Wha- what about my parents?" Camila asked quietly, tears threatening to well up in her eyes again.

"What about them?" Lauren asked, setting everything back on the tray.

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