Chapter Thirty Nine

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"Wait, Lauren. Stay with me,"

Lauren's voice caught in her throat when she first heard Camila's quiet and raspy voice slowly speak out.

"Babe, I-"

"Come lay with me," Camila interrupted, moving her arm slightly in a poor attempt to reach the older girl. She winced slightly in pain and looked at her newly bandaged wrist, her eyes widening after realising that Lauren must have seen them.

Slowly, Lauren pulled back the cover and lowered herself down next to Camila, instantly wrapping one arm around the younger girls body and pulling her close.

"Lauren I ju- I just- t," Camila's words were stuttered and her whole body was shaking as she felt tears brimming in her deep eyes. "I- I,"

"It's okay baby," Lauren whispered, swiping the pad of her thumb delicately across Camila's cheek as a tear dropped down. "We can talk later, yes?" The older girl smiled softly, running one hand through Camila's hair.

"Okay," Camila mumbled, gripping onto the hem of Lauren's top and squeezing her eyes shut tight. "What time is it?" Camila quietly asked, noticing a very slim line of light appearing through the window.

"Nearly six," Lauren replied, shifting around a tiny bit.

"Oh," Camila muttered, almost inaudibly. After that, both girls remained silent and pretty quickly, both girls had fallen asleep just as the sun was beginning to rise.

Lauren woke up when she felt a sudden movement.

"Camz?" Lauren questioned, blinking her eyes open and glancing around the room, her eyes falling upon Camila who was sitting on the edge of her bed with her phone in her hand.

"Baby go back to sleep. It's only just gone nine," Camila quietly spoke, scrolling through the texts that Lauren had left on her phone and realising that the older girl had barely slept.

"Can you come cuddle with me?" Lauren asked, her voice raspy and muted.

"Of course," Camila hummed, crawling back under the covers and into the older girls arms, still feeling sleepy herself. Lauren was the first to fall back to sleep, her chest rising and falling in a steady pace as Camila watched her peaceful figure. Even though Camila felt tired, she just couldn't fall asleep. Maybe it was the brightness coming through the window, and she made a mental note to get darker coloured blinds, maybe it was the throbbing in her head, maybe it was the irritation in her arm or maybe it was because she was so infatuated with Lauren and hated herself for shooting the older girl down.

Very slowly, Camila's eyelids began to flutter shut, a firm grip remaining on Lauren's top. When Camila awoke again, she felt slightly cold then realised that she was missing the presence and warmth of Lauren. Just as she was about to stand up, her door slowly inched open to reveal Lauren carrying a tray.

"Oh, you're awake," Lauren smiled softly, placing the tray upon the bed. "Hot chocolate, nutella banana and peanut butter and jelly sandwich," The green eyed girl said, perching at the edge of the bed as Camila licked her lips hungrily.

"Thank you babe," Camila smiled softly, planting a small kiss on the older girls cheek. "I love you," She said, taking a small sip from her cup. Hearing the three words slip from Camila's mouth brought a very small smile to Lauren's lips.

"I love you too," Lauren said back. "I'll be right back," The older girl said, kissing Camila's forehead and disappearing from the room. Lauren walked back into her room and sat down on the edge of her bed, sighing deeply.

"Camila, Camila," Lauren muttered, running a shaky hand through her dark hair. She sat there for a while, thinking about a load of things however at the same time, she wasn't thinking a thing. She debated wether she should bring up the topic of last night and about ways to make Camila feel loved, so would bringing that topic up help? Taking another deep breath, Lauren walked back to Camila's room to see her huddled under the covers with only a small bite of the banana gone, everything else remained untouched.

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