Chapter Seven

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"I've got you,"

Lauren enjoyed the feeling of being held in Camila's arms. She felt safe. She didn't even know what made her tear up again, maybe it was the song, that was how she normally felt when she was forced to go along with Dinah to one of her many parties. She always felt like an outsider, so why did she feel safe here with Camila? Right person right time? Or maybe, just maybe, Lauren thought, her joke about being soul mates was true. Too distracted by her thoughts, Lauren hadn't realised that Camila had again led her to her bedroom and was laying her back down, smoothing her hair out and pulling a blanket back over her.

"Listen, I don't know how much you've slept lately or eaten lately, but the bags under your eyes indicates that you haven't slept much which is understandable. Your head is also heating up a bit so I want you to sleep and rest, pretty girl. I need to go to the job centre, I don't want to leave you but it's compulsory for me to go if I want to get a job anytime soon," Camila continued, gently stroking the dark hair.

"I'll stop by the shop again and pick you up some soup and crackers and I promise I'll be back as soon as I can. I'll even run and I don't run," Lauren felt hot tears stinging her eyes again.

"Hey, don't cry, please don't cry," Camila begged, rubbing circles on the shivering girls arm while still stroking her hair.

"I'm sorry," Lauren sniffed, "I just, I don't know why you're being so good to me, I've literally only known you for a couple of days but here you are looking after me and taking care of me,"

"It's because we're soulmates," Camila whispered, fixing the pillow that Lauren's head was resting on, making shivers run down Lauren's back at the closeness of Camila's breath on the back of her head.

"Thank you," Lauren mumbled, beads of sweat forming on her forehead and an overwhelming sense of dizziness over coming her body.

"I'll be back soon, I'll leave a glass of water on your cabinet," The brown eyed girl gently said, walking out of the room and returning with a glass of water. "I'll see you in a bit," And after planting a kiss on Lauren's temple, Camila quickly left the apartment to run her errands and make it back as soon as she could to aid to the beauty she had become so fond of.

Within minutes of Camila leaving, Lauren allowed the peaceful state of sleep to succumb her, while Camila rushed around outside.

"Name?" The receptionist asked, glancing up from her magazine and Camila.

"Er, Camila Cabello," She replied quickly.

"Fill in this form including your e-mail, mobile number, address and all of the required boxes below then hand it back in once you've finished," The receptionist said, mono tone.

Scribbling away, Camila grabbed a pen and began filling in all of the required boxes, not giving herself a chance to proof read everything before practically chucking the paper at the receptionist and jogging down the street to the closest store she could find. I can't believe I'm running for this girl. Camila thought, arriving at the shop and grabbing three cans of soup and a packet of crackers. When she got to the que, someone was arguing with the shopkeeper. She sported a black tracksuit with leapord print edging, her hair was hanging loosely around her neck and her voice was super sexy. And DAMN the curves on her.

"Come on dude, it's one pack of cigarettes, I forgot my ID this one time, it's fine," She complained while the shopkeeper tried to explain that he couldn't sell her the cigarettes without some form of ID. Camila began impatiently tapping her foot when the girl in front of her turned around and blatantly looked the smaller girl up and down.

"I'd tap that," She commented, making Camila turn slightly red.

"Oh, you're blushing, cute," Forgetting about the product she just tried to purchase, the girl took a couple of steps towards Camila with a charming smile plastered upon her face.

"I think I should take you out to dinner. This is my number, so hit me up a'ight?" The girls voice smoothly said, scrawling down her number on some paper, then proceeded to wink at Camila before turning around and leaving the store. Camila couldn't believe her eyes when she read what was on the paper.

Dinah Dime xx

That was Dinah?! Was the first thing that Camila thought, then she felt really bad for Lauren as she was at home hurting while Dinah was out picking up people. Like the receptionist, Camila chucked the money at the shopkeeper and resumed with her previous jogging to get back to the apartment.

Turning the key in the lock, the brown eyed girl kicked who shoes to the side and put one of the cans of soup on to cook, then tentatively knocked on Lauren's door, slowly pushing the door open. Camila was happy to see that the dark haired girl was fast asleep however was slightly concerned when she heard the laboured, heavy breaths coming from the girl. Opening one of the windows, Camila quickly went back to the kitchen to put the soup in a bowl and place it on a tray with crackers and fresh water. The smaller girl once again entered Lauren's room, gently placing the tray on the desk and walking out, giving one last glance over her shoulder at Lauren.

"Ca...Camila?" Lauren's raspy voice stuttered, making Camila jump slightly.

"I... I... don't fe... feel well," The green eyed girl mumbled before Camila had a chance to reenter her room. Trying to prop herself up on her elbows, Lauren groaned at the effort it took her before flopping back down and coughing heavily.

"Okay, okay, lay back down," Camila ushered, hurrying to Lauren's side and moving the pillows up slightly, feeling her heart ache at the site of Lauren looking so weak and unable to move.

"I made you soup, do you want to eat?" Camila asked, bringing the tray over from the other side of the room and resting it on Lauren's lap.

"Thank you," The green eyed girl weakly smiled, picking up the spoon with her shaking hand and guiding the hot liquid to her lips, but as a sudden wave of dizziness once again over came her she lurched forward, causing the tray to fly forward and the bowl of soup to land on Camila as well as Lauren.

"Crap! That's hot!" Camila jumped up, shaking her hands as her skin started to sting.

"I... I'm so sorry, Camila," Lauren pouted, ignoring the hot soup that was seeping through the blanket and onto her legs.

"You need to run your hands under cold water," Lauren muttered, standing up quickly and grabbing onto Camila's arm as she felt her entire world hurl forward.

"Woah, woah, Lauren, sit back down, you've literally gone as pale as a ghost,"

"No, it's my fault that you're hurt, you need to run your hands under cold water, come on," Lauren protested, tightening her grip on Camila's arm and trying to pull the smaller girl along with her.

"Okay, I'm coming," Camila gave in, following behind the drowsy girl who was unaware of her state. Rinsing her hands, Camila noticed Lauren's pale structure leaning against the door.

"Should I run you a bath?" Camila offered but Lauren frowned at this suggestion.

"I don't like baths," She mumbled.

"Okay, what about a shower?" And to this Lauren nodded eagerly.

"Sit on the toilet and I'll get your clothes for you, you don't seem too... stable," The brown eyed girl smiled softly, wandering into Lauren's bedroom and unzipping the holdall, and grabbing tracksuit bottoms and a t shirt.

"Here you go," Camila said, handing the clothes to Lauren and walking back out.

"Towels are in that cupboard, shower gel, shampoo and conditioner on that shelf," The smaller girl said, pointing to the shelf next to the sink, "Aaaannndddd... that's it,"

"Thank you," Lauren spoke quietly standing up and pulling her jumper over her head, loosing her balance and falling over, landing on the ground with a thump.

"Shit," Lauren hissed, rubbing the back of her head as pain spread through her.

"Lauren?" Camila's soft voice spoke, peering around the door, making her breath hitch in her throat at the site of Lauren in her black lace bra. Pushing her thoughts aside, Camila knelt down and hoisted the shaking the girl back up onto the toilet.

"Can you stay while I shower?"

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