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I could only stare. What could've I said? Nothing. I was unable to say anything. My mouth was wide open yet I couldn't even make any sound. The man standing in front of me, looked at me with the same disgusting smirk. I wanted to shout and scream as loud as could for help but my throat was parched and the excruciating pain in my head would make my veins explode.

He knelt down looking at me closely,

"Tch tch tch...look what you've done to yourself. Of course, it isn't my fault. I never told you to run...if only you could've come to me.." he extended his hand to touch me, but I moved my face harshly to the side. He could see me hissing and squinching my eyes with pain.

"You know, in all this time you really got on my nerves, but I had to control myself. But looks like I finally got what I wanted...well almost." He grinned evilly and stood up and moved away.

What was he gonna do to me? Will I have to suffer more than I already have? Will I even see my family, Olive or... Chase ever again? I broke down in tears. I was sobbing loudly that I didn't even care about him watching me. I cried for what seemed like hours but actually it had just been for twenty to thirty minutes. He had left the room a while go while I was crying. Of course, he didn't care. He was a cruel and heartless soul!

My eyes felt so heavy by now that I was switching constantly between sleep and wakefulness. Suddenly, the door slammed open and my eyes grew wide and moved in the direction of the door. The sleep that had been threatening to shut my eyelids, instantly went away. I could feel the sweat trickling down my neck to my back. I swallowed a lump in my throat. He came in furious. Red in anger! Seeing him made my stomach tie into a knot. He glared at me and proceeded toward me. I wanted to run, get away from his reach. But I was tied and helpless! He harshly grabbed my hair and pulled me up so that I was standing face to face with him. I cried out in excruciating pain. He tightened his grip and said with gritted teeth,

"You thought, I won't find out, huh! You broke into my f***ing house and you thought I wouldn't find out! Answer me!" He yelled at my face. It was his tight grip that was holding me on my feet, otherwise, I felt too weak to stand on my own. I was crying uncontrollably that I couldn't say anything. My scalp felt like being torn apart. I was so injured that I almost felt like it was gonna die on this very night which only made me bawl even more. He was such a malevolent being that he kept tightening his grip to which I screamed out in pain. I felt my throat surrendering to the blood curdling screams that frequently escaped my mouth.

He grabbed my jaw and squeezed it. He shook it was violently asking again and again the same question. All I could get out of my mouth was an almost dead whisper, "no..."

Even then he didn't stop shaking my head and yelling at me to speak up. Tears constantly escaped my eyes. I was in immense pain but I still had a little fight left in me. As his hand was on my face near my mouth, I bit his hand with all the energy that I had in me. His screams echoed through the whole room and outside. He pulled his hand back and slapped me across my tear stained cheek, "Bitch!" I gasped and fell to the ground. I was lying on the ground like a corpse, lifeless. If anyone saw me, they would take me as dead. I breathed slowly and deeply as I drifted to unconsciousness.

"I love you, mom. I love you, dad, Olive and... I love you, Chase.." These were my last thoughts as I laid there on the cold hard floor expressionless, tears escaped my red, puffy and lifeless eyes.

Soon after everything blacked out and I was no longer conscious of my surroundings.

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