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"I've missed so much!" Olivia said with wide eyes.

I had told her everything that's been happening. She was surprised how Chase and I got along. But she was confused and somewhat upset.

"But, why did you shut him out?" Olivia asked with a frown. I didn't tell her about the kiss. I just couldn't. How am I supposed to confront him. I want to but I can't. I was nervous.

I had to tell her, she was my best friend. She is the only one whom I could tell this. Just as I opened my mouth, everyone started to return to the classroom. Soon after Chase also came in. Me and Chase made a brief eye contact, but I averted my eyes. I cursed myself for shutting him out. Chase passed by me. My hand wanted to stop him but I stiffened it, curling my fingers into a fist. By now, I was sure he must hate me.

When class finished. I got up and turned toward Chase who had his eyes on his books as he put them back in his bag. It hurt me seeing him like this. I left the room with Olive. Outside, she stopped me.

"Hey, you're gonna be okay, right?" She said placing her hand on my shoulder and giving it a gentle press.

"Yeah, don't worry! I'm fine!" I said passing a forceful smile.

"If you want, I can drop you, or walk you.."

"Since when did you become so serious!" I said smiling but she gave no response instead of giving me a worried expression. I sighed, "I'm fine.." I said taking her hand in mine.

I thought I assured her as she passed a comforting smile. But what was the point... I was not okay.

I gave her a brief but tight hug and waved her goodbye. As I turned she called out to me. I turned to her,

"If you need me, call me, I will come over, fine?" She insisted.

"Okay." I said chuckling.

I waved her goodbye again and walked out of our school building. The weather was unusually cool today. Yesterday, it was hot but today it was cloudy and wind blew swiftly through my hair. I brushed off the strands of hair from my face. I started walking. I was thinking of Chase and how I could make up to him. I could feel the winds slowly getting stronger. I looked up and saw the sky neatly covered by grey clouds. I quickened my pace. I wanted to reach home quickly. I knew there was a storm approaching. I never watched any news either political, entertainment or weather. So my dad always updated me. But now, there have been a bit tension between us all.

With all those thoughts rushing inside my head, I suddenly snapped out when I felt tiny drops hitting my face. Before I could realise that it had started to rain. The wind brought with it many more drops of rain. I cursed as I tried to cover myself by holding my bag over my head. I started running but I couldn't hold the bag any longer. I stopped and turned to look for a cab. But, couldn't see anything through the heavy rain. Just as I started to turn away, I saw a blur figure. I ran my hands over my face to clear my eyes a little. The figure had come closer by now. It was a man in a hoodie walking towards me. He had his head down but enough for him to see forward. I was already so cautious, so, I started to walk fast while glancing back time to time. And when I started to run, the man paced.

Now, I knew I had to run! I started running as fast as I could. All I could hear was my panting, the thunder rumbling and the splashes of mine and his footsteps. Now, I wished I had Olive or Chase by my side. I was the one who put myself in these situations.

I started losing my breath. I knew I couldn't stop. I glanced back and he was nearing me slowly. Tears started trickling down my cheeks or was it the rain...but, it was true, I wanted to cry out loud. Having these thoughts messing with my mind, my foot suddenly slipped over the wet road. And I fell head first on the pavement. A pain exploded in my head and I pressed my head really hard. I gritted my teeth together. I started sobbing as I saw my blood on my hand when I removed it from my head. My vision slowly became blur and I started to lose consciousness. Before I totally blacked out, I felt a hand below my waist and the last thing I know, I was being picked up.

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